Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Have A Heart.

This is a new magic effect I'm working for a possible TV show. Can't get into details right now. but I will tell you is that it's a samller stage illusion effect that I'm modifieing and taking it to 5other steps. I'll keep you updated with photos.

Here is one of my recent video teaser trailers for my new illusion. And yes I finally came up with a name for it. "REVERBERATE" The video really doesn't make sense, but than again does anything I do really make sense? The video is just a small piece of the puzzle of the illusion. One together it will be more clear.

What does "REVERBERATE" mean?

   re·ver·ber·ate  (r-vûrb-rt)
   v. re·ver·ber·at·ed, re·ver·ber·at·ing, re·ver·ber·ates

1. To resound in a succession of echoes; reecho.
2. To have a prolonged or continuing effect: Those talks with his teacher
   reverberated throughout his life.
3. To be repeatedly reflected, as sound waves, heat, or light.
4. To be forced or driven back; recoil or rebound.
1. To reecho (a sound). See Synonyms at echo.
2. To reflect (heat or light) repeatedly.
3. To drive or force back; repel.
4. To subject (a metal, for example) to treatment in a reverberatory furnace.

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