I recently put a new video out of the IMAGINATOR titled "THE PYRAMID OF POWER" I have received mixed feedback fro my IMAGINATOR character. One referenced him as being hostile and Hulk Hogan like. Another described him as a little strong. Me being a little over sensitive to peoples opinion decided to make the video private. While I made the video private the other side of me started surfacing. The other side of me that believes in what I said in the video. I had a few more people look at the video and I was surprised that their opinion was more positive then others. When I confined in my mentor/life coach Steve Hart http://magic2motivate.com/ he brought to my attention that superheros such as Batman, Superman or even the Hulk had a dark side. A side where they are just pissed off at the way the world is going and stands up to the enemy. Another good friend told me that the message was very Strong. If you watched the video you will notice that one of the first things I show was my "Butterfly in a Box" In which I open the box and take out steel cards.
Were people expecting the IMAGINATOR to perform the butterfly or was that clever marketing? I'll let you decide. My friend pointed to me how the begging of the video where I show the "Butterfly in a Box" was very strong. The butterfly symbolizes beauty and transformation. One of the things that is happening to me with both the IMAGINATOR and my "Butterfly in a Box" I decided to make the video public again and to follow my heart. Not to worry about what everybody else thinks. I think in this video I wouldn't do the IMAGINATOR justice if I made him all nicey nice all the time. We all have emotion and pain and sometimes we hide it. Bottle it up and keep it hostage way deep down in our heart and soul. I think with the IMAGINATOR in this video he was trying to express the frustration, corruption and evilness in the world and that we are facing. We feel chained of our gifts, creativity and talents because of all the challenges we are confronting . Homelessness, unemployment, war, finances, relationships and faith.
Will the IMAGINATOR ever be excepted in the magic community? I really can't say nor do I care anymore. I am treading new territory here and I'm very proud of how far I have come. In the beginning of the IMAGINATOR character I was just intending him to be a non speaking character just doing magic. Cool magic. The real reason was that I didn't have the confidence for giving him a voice. Now the more I'm looking at the way the world is going I've decided to give the IMAGINATOR a voice. He has a lot to say and what he has to say is more important then the magic. the magic is just a way to convey the message.
So I would like to end by saying that I'm finally discovering who I am. the Butterfly has been very beautiful helpful and courageous with helping me TRANSFORM and find out who I am. I'm taking the IMAGINATOR and MAGIC to new heights. I hope you as magicans find who you are and don't let anybody put down your wonderful gift that you received.
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