Show Sign by Brennan PimpinellaNot too long ago I came across a interesting animation photo that looked like a construction sign. I quickly realized it was a themed construction sign geared toward magicians.
Here is a description along with my review.
![]() Some corporate clients will even ask to take pictures with the sign. When they see this in your show they will know they are dealing with someone they should pay attention too and will IMEDIATELY add creative value to your performances. "When I first saw Brennan's magic sign. I was instantly drawn to it. I was lucky enough to be the first to try it in my show. Let me first explain that this really isn't a magic effect, but more of a utility/attention grabber. I first used this in my show to let people know that there was a magic show in progress. I attached a sign to it that showed the time. I like the idea that this is made of corrugated plastic. That way it is waterproof. It won't get damaged during transport on rainy days. I also use this backstage where my table was set up so no stage crew bumps into it and messes up my set up. The sign illuminated well backstage. This sign will definitely get peoples attention. Like most construction signs people are drawn to what they see. Even if it doesn't say anything. I was impressed with Brennan's simplicity on this sign and left me with "Why didn't I think of that" moment. The ideas are endless. If you're doing a safety show this would work great. I highly recommend this for any magician that wants to attract people to their show." Mark Presley Butterfly in a Box creatorDimensions Approximately: 24" x 24" x 1/8" I contacted Brennan and suggested that he sell them. Impressed by my interest he asked "How?" I refereed him to "Patrick Wolford Product Specialist" Murphy's has a real good eye for new, original and creative magic. Their help and support are superb.Only a few months later they are being sold at one of the biggest magic distributors in the world. I give the credit to Brennan and the team at Murphy's for helping out a new and upcoming inventor.THE BADI have heard from a few magicians about how they are really disgusted by how certain magic distributors just keep pumping out magic tricks after magic tricks. Like it's some sort of magic farm that doesn't care what they sell as long as their is a profit.Well! let me just remind you that that same distributor is also the same distributor that delivers GREAT MAGIC to your local magic shops or online magic shops. You have to remember. The magic community is very small when you look at it on a marketing level. Very few people/laymen would care less about the NEWEST magic effect. Therefore distributors have to constantly keep things NEW and FRESH so we can keep the magic alive and active so that the distributors, magic shops and magic inventors can survive.It would be very difficult for magic shops to supply their own products by themselves. It requires a tremendous amount of labor and time to get all the magic products ordered and on the shelves.Just like major department stores depend on distributors to get our food, gadgets, toys and electronic gear goes the same way with magic distributors. There's a lot of products at stores that I don't like, but I'm not going to be a hypocrite and talk about how they pump out crap and then purchase something from the same store I just ripped into the following week.So next time you try to rip on a magic wholesaler, distributor, magic shop... Remember! Not all magic props and effects are great, but some are GREAT and we should be thankful for all the great magic that does comes to us. What may be one great effect to one may be a terrible effect to another. That's why it's so great to have such a wide variety of magic products for us to choose from.So I encourage you to show support for the magicians out there that are inventing new magic products.THE UGLYAnother thing that I think is very important is for magic clubs to show support for their members who may have invented/created something. It was very disheartening when my own magic club I go to didn't even acknowledge, inform or congratulate me on my own effect. Only a very small handfull did and I'm thankful for them.JEALOUSYNow I wasn't looking for the recognition to fill or boost my ego, but rather a way to inspire other magicians to think, create and invent. If they would of acknowledged my effect it could of also brought attention to members who would of not heard of "Butterfly in a Box"until it was brought up and could of maybe inspired magicians to get the creative juices going. I t could of to them in their mind that "Hey! I can do it if I put my mind to it." I'm almost sure that if I fit more in the clique that I would of gotten more support. Magicians would of helped with sharing posts of my videos, website..... It could of really overall helped the club to even get more status and even a bigger high reputation then it does already. But people are afraid to help one another.They are afraid to promote because they are afraid someone may like you over them. Or! they have in the back of their mind "What's in it for me?"The club is probably oblivious to the non-support. Maybe it's just me being over sensitive, but I can bet your sweet ass that if it was someone considered more well known or famouse the support would of been epic. It's okay! for some reason this has always happened in my life. I think I was just molded this way so that I can find a way to bring GOOD and POSITIVE out of the bad. So instead of feeling bad or sorry for myself I go the other way. The extreme other way and want to help and support others to show them that we can all help, support and work together. It's our insecurities of our own selves that prevent us from doing this. If magicians are already successful whether it be from a magic competition, well polished act or even a movie we should take the success and pass it on. Instead of "Well! I'm set so I don't need to bother or help. It's all about me."I actually share a lot of posts and videos of other magicians on the social network.What I feel really flabbergasted about is when the fellow magicians don't even thank or acknowledge you for sharing. Let me give you some advice. If someone is going to take the time to post, comment or share for you or on your behalf you should always thank them. If they took the time out for you, you should take the time out for them. Otherwise it just seems to come off Arrogant or "It's owed to me" attitude. You could be the worlds GREATEST MAGICIAN, but attitude will bring that greatness down.Prior to the invention of "Butterfly in a Box" I was at a lecture. In the lecture the magician was talking about ways to get exposure and get our name out there. One of those things that he recommended was to invent a magic effect that you can sell. This is a fast way to get your name out, but it's a lot of work. I decided to take his advice and move forward with my effect that I have been working on through my "Artistic Inventions class" at Harper College. Palatine, IlOnly a few days after the lecture I was in the process of creating a great effect with the combination of my creativeness combined with the inspiration of another magician.THE SELFISHShortly after creating the effect I actually contacted the magician that I looked up to. I wanted to show him what I created out of his inspiration. What was about to happen was nothing more then a shock. I think he felt threatened or something. I can't even read into it. All I can say is that he saw the potential and wanted to take ownership of it. I said "My effect is nowhere close to yours!" that's all I'm going to get into. I felt like a kid who was let down by a superhero. He I was contacting him in hopes that maybe he would be interested in my idea and that maybe we could work out a partnership. I would or rather taken a big hit and get my effect backed up by a famous magician then trying to do it alone.I guess I was expecting to get a "Great Job! Way to go! That's how you do it!" type reaction, but instead the opposite. I think the thing that upset me the most was that here this magician already has fame and travels the world. Can't I even have just have a very small little tiny winny piece of the cake? Maybe just a little help and support?I was left with my own cake plate that I had to fill myself. It no longer mattered what the status was from other magicians. I could only trust myself and some close friends and family to help me out. I came up with a plan. I would put together a small team of trusted people to help me succeed with my effect.We are all here to help and support one another. Do you realize that when we reach out to help and support our magician piers that you are actually helping the magic community look good on the outside and to the public?It's NOT all BADI would like to focus my attention on some great magicians that have helped and are setting great examples and support for the magic community. Such as all the magicians who conduct charity and fund raisers for important causes. Magicians who try to use their magic as a way to deliver messages of important things in life such as anti-bullying programs, education and reading, visiting hospitals where sick and dying children are..... the list goes on. These are the one that make a difference. |
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