When the show started the illusion was uncovered only to reveal his lovely energetic assistant ready to perform the impossible. The first illusion was a smash hit. The "Cutting a woman in half" illusion followed by a nice torn and restored newspaper trick. The show was nothing but a nice family wholesome show and the theater was packed. His wife/assistant really brought a lot of energy, life and genuineness to the show as well as Kevin and the stage crew.
I really liked the subtle humor and interaction of the stage crew. The little details that make a show a GREAT SHOW!
A very moving segment of the show was when Kevin reflects upon his childhood and takes you back to when he was eight years old and performs some traditional style magic such as the color changing silks, streamers from hat and making some beautiful flowers appear.
Kevin also referenced to the great Harry Houdini several times in his show which I really thought was a great way to educate the audience on some magic history. One of the things Kevin talked about was when Houdini would walk thorough a solid brick wall. A effect that was probably even more powerful then Harry's escapes himself which is probably why he stopped performing them. Kevin then went into his rendition of his "Walking through a wall" illusion" which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Kevin then went into a nice spike illusion where he picked a brave boy to come on stage and lay down on the spike table. My GOD! I thought he was going to get up and leave. He looked terrified, but Kevin assured him he would be safe. The spikes went through the boy and he came out unscathed. The once terrified little boy quickly got his courage back and cheerfully went back to his seat.
Some other effects included the "Palm Palms" and a great comedy effect where he starts out with one glass, bottle and tubes. He covers the glass and bottle with the tubes and they mysteriously switch places and the bottles multiply.
He did a mind boggling mind reading effect where he predicted what three people in the audience was thinking.
The grand finale of the show was the "Milk Can Escape" Kevin again went into a short history of Houdini and was locked into the "milk can" where he was submerged into water for almost two minutes. The clock was ticking and after a worried panic look from his assistant and stage crew, Kevin suddenly came bursting from behind the curtain drenched with water and out of breath he thanked everyone for coming and the curtain closed.
Once again I thought Kevin, his assistant and stage crew did a phenomenal job with their show. I highly recommend it to all families.
NOW for those that read this whole post and made it down to here I have a FREE IDEA to SHARE with you that was inspired by the "Milk Can Escape" so I will now set the stage for you so you can get an idea of the "Reverse Milk Can Escape"feel free to use it as you will I would just appreciate you credit my name if possible.
by- Mark Prersley
First of all I'm not sure if this has ever been done before so if it has please make a comment below of the magician, creator or inventor of the routine.
The magician calls up a strong man to come up to the stage and examine the padlocks. As the man is examining them the magician introduces a old "milk can" in which he takes the top off and places his hand inside and splashes out water. He explains how the "milk can" can hold up to fifty gallons of water and that he will be submerged in the "milk can" and the top will be fastened and padlocked. The magician will only have a short time to hold his breath and escape from this dangerous escape.
Once the magician is done explaining his dangerous attempt he then exits the stage to change into his wetsuit. The man examining the locks is then guided toward the "milk can" to further examine for any trickery or gimmicks. The assistant places the lid on top of the "milk can" so the assistant/man can examine it.
After the "milk can" is thoroughly inspected by the man he is then escorted back to his seat while the magician is still changing into his wetsuit. A additional assistant is then called onto the stage to keep track of time. The assistant then steps to the mic and is asked to do a practice run while the magician is changing. He is asked by the other assistant to say out loud in the mic how many seconds has gone by every 30 seconds for when the magician is locked into the "milk pail."
The assistant has made his test practice timing and it's now time for the magician to enter onto the stage in his wetsuit and climbs into the "milk can" for his dangerous brush of death escape. About 5 minutes have already gone by from the time the magician left the stage to get into his wetsuit from the time the second assistant came out to do a test practice a call out of the total time gone by every 30 seconds.
The assistants and audience both look anxious, impatient as they await for the magician.
SUDDENLY! the audience hears some movement from the "milk can"
The magician steps out fully handcuffed from the overflowing water spilling from over the top of the "milk can" He looks tired and worn out. He is still in his performing clothes that he was supposed to change out of and into his wetsuit. As he steps out from the submerged water his one arm is extended straight out in the air holding something. As the magician steps toward the front of the stage he is dripping wet. He then reveals what was in his hand, It was the wetsuit in which he was supposed to change into in the first place. Despite the magician stepping out of the water soaked the wetsuit is miraculously dry. He throws the dry wetsuit into the audience for someone to keep.
The audience is confused. It happened so fast they don't know what hit them, but they do know that what they did see was IMPOSSIBLE.
This routine/script was written by: Mark Presley AKA the ImaGinator. This is just a sample of how I can take magic effects to the next level and give them a facelift if you will.
I hope that through my hard work on my blog that I may one day be someone to seek and consult with as far as coming up with original ideas.
Please don't hesitate to contact me for any further details.
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