I didn't really know about Kevin Spencer's "BAG OF TRICKS" project until a set of unplanned circumstances came into my path. Many times I would post on my facebook wall about offering my services such as my studios, video/film editing, photography to the magic community as a way to give back and help my magic peers.
I never really got much if any response at all for my offer. I think often people just awesome that if it's free there must be a catch. Which for me there never is a catch. It's just me trying to give a helping hand. Then one day I had a nice woman contact me. She is one of my facebook friends who happens to be the mother of "Trent"who is the highlighted star of "BAG OF TRICKS" She saw my generous post one day and contacted me asking if I could come over and film Trent. I agreed and set up a day and time to film him.
She told me briefly about Kevin Spencer's project and that he may possibly use the footage I'm filming of Trent in a movie. I didn't really think much of it. I set up my camera gear in Trent's beautiful studio where a collection of beautiful magic rests on beautiful wood shelves. Trent was getting ready in the other room as I was setting up my equipment. As Trent walked into his studio a very proud and excited Trent came bursting into the room. He was very focused on what he wanted to do. During the time I was setting up my camera gear Trent's mother filled me in on Trent.
She told me that at a early age Trent had a stoke which damaged part of his brain which made it difficult to think and reason. I think he may have been only two years old at the time. For many years of Trent's life he would just sit and watch TV. About six years ago a magic show came on TV and Trent was automatically hooked. They actually had to get a tape of the magic show because that's all Trent wanted to watch. His parents saw hos interest and sudden change and decided to start taking him to PJ's Trick shop where Trent was introduced to a whole new world. A whole new world that he never new about. YES another human that MAGIC has captured. The spirits, the guardian angels always looking out for potential people to step up to the plate and show the world what they can do.
The power of MAGIC is all about giving HOPE, DREAMS and INSPIRATIONS.
Trent finally found his home and he was happy with all the wonderful magic he was learning. PJ's trick shop kind of took him under their wings and taught him the ropes. Some great talented magicians working there taught him. After awhile Trent started working there and became very knowledgeable of magic. I remember a few years back I was competing in a magic contest. I entered the contest as the NerdGician. (A comical character) some other very talented magicians such as Dan Neilson, Brian Carter and Trent Rivas. Trent was one of the winners in the contest. He does a great Zombie Ball routine. I remember talking to his dad after the competition. I congratulated his dad and told him how great it is to help that they helped him with his routine. He looked at me and said in his deep Italian voice "I wisha I coulda taka credit, buta Trent! hea doit all himaself." I was really impressed hearing all this.
All of this was coming to my memory as Trent's mom was talking about Trent's while I was setting up. I finally got the equiptmet set up and started filming Trent's interview with the questions Kevin had Kevin me. I had to ask him simple questions like "Why do you like magic? how long do you practice and ect...... After the interview It was now time to film his " Zombie Ball" routine as I was watching I got a little chocked up. The music in which he incorporates his Zombie Ball routine into is nothing but inspiring. I knew at that time that Trent has something special.
It was that day that I filmed Trent that made me realize what a great project Kevin is working on. Making a documentary of these unbelievable people and bringing hope to all whom may have challenges in their life. I hope that by reading this that you might consider donating so that Kevin can finish his project. The world needs to see people with challenges succeeding so it can give them HOPE. I feel honored to be part of Kevin's project and I hope that this will show the WORLD how MAGIC can change and IMPACT lives. Having some challenges myself in life such as "ADD" I felt a connection with this project. In fact I'm starting to think that maybe their is some sort of link or connection between magic and people with disabilities. Have you ever noticed that almost every magician has some sort of setback or disability? I have. For the people that may not be good at anything else, MAGIC seems to always have a welcoming open hand to all. If you don't find the MAGIC the MAGIC will find you.
In the end I think we all have something in common. WE are ALL disabled. Just in different ways.
Like I say. We ate all in the SAME BOAT! We just all have different size PADDLES.
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