Blog Archive

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Re-Think Magic-Re-MAGIC

One of my goals my website  Imaginator Magic is to help the planet we live on by using material that people would normally throw-out  out and turn it into works of art. The amount of garbage we throw out every year is epic. Think about it! How many times have you driven or walked down the street and have been tempted to go into the garbage for something you thought you could use or needed? My thoughts are why not take some of the material/garbage that people are throwing out and make beautiful MAGIC with it. The possibilities are endless. We could be creating one of a kind magic effects and ideas. (Visit my website for more info:

It's so easy to go to the magic shop or go online to get a quick fix of some magic, BUT WHAT IF WE HAD TO WORK FOR IT! WHAT IF WE HAD TO CHALLENGE OURSELVES TO CREATE?

We would also be challenging ourselves as magicians and tapping into our CREATIVE - Imaginative  MIND and hopefully discovering new kinds of MAGIC or techniques to do things.

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