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Thursday, May 16, 2013


I was awoken in the middle of the night with this idea. Here I am at 2AM in the morning writing in my blog to document this idea I had. I guess this idea was to good too pass up. Ever since I created my "Butterfly in a Box" I've been thinking of other ideas to market as well. Some end up being filed away while others are on the tail end of manufacturing and presenting them to the magic community.

I like to think that my mind shifted a little to the inventing side once I got a taste of accomplishment and payoff with my hard work. At the time of created my "Butterfly in a Box" I belonged to a magic club. During the process of putting together the directions, dvd, magic effect, research... and many more things involved. I started thinking about how much magic clubs could benefit from inventing and producing magic. To me magic clubs are like your artery. It's like the heart of ideas, support and where things can happen. If someone invents a magic effect it could possibly spawn and inspire other magicians and club members such as I to invent and create beautiful magic to bring to the magic community. I guess some of these thoughts kind of slipped in and out of my mind. Eventually some of the thoughts just started to slowly go away.

This is where me making up today at 2am in the morning comes into play.  At some times I feel like Walter Elias "Walt" Disney,

where Walter left tons of ideas and drawings for people in the future to work on. Although I can't even compare myself to him, but it's the only way I can explain this idea. This feeling I have.

So anyway I'll cut to the chase.
What if magic clubs implemented a program where they put together a THINK TANK of all the members of the club and came up with new ideas, magic effects that the club and members could produce, manufacture and sell to the magic community? This program "THE MAGIC CLUB INVENTING and MARKETING ACT!" could have many benefits to the club and it's members. In a member stand point it could be very educational with the whole process it takes just to get a magic product to the magic community. Club members could get a feeling of what it's like on the other side of the inventing side of  magic which seems to be a hot topic these day as far as knock offs, magicians fighting over who created their effect first and so on. That's another story. 

The whole club and members could have jobs assigned to fit the skills of each member. You could have a cross reference research team where knowledgeable magicians research, look up magic effects in Tarbell or any other magic book where the magic effect they are creating could possibly be made already which as far as some certain magic effects is pretty much open to the community

(Open Market), but you still need to research and do your homework so that you can put valuable, knowledgeable magic information in the directions or dvd of the magic effect you're selling. 

It's crucial that you contact and credit the appropriate magicians where a effect is similar to yours and get their blessing of your magic effect. Once the club members get the okay to move forward after the research and are sure they aren't stepping on anyone's toes.

 The next step could be "Beta Testing" that's where they take the magic effect out on the field and try it out so they can get an idea of the reaction of the magic effect and decide based on the reaction if it's worth going any further and producing and marketing the effect.
Once you decide that the magic effect is worth pursuing the next step would be coming up with funds to  produce the effect. You will need cash so the members can buy supplies and material for the effect. At this point your probably thinking this sounds like too much! It's just too much for members to get involved with. You know what? You're right! but that's what's going to be the BIG PAYOFF for members that do invest the time into the program.

The magic club and members could host magic competitions or do a magic show for the public to raise funds so they can go FORWARD with purchasing supplies and material for the product. Once they get to that step they can put together a qualified team to make the product. This could be a great way to find the strengths and talents of club members. One member might be good on the technical side while others may be good at putting the instructions or dvd of the effect together. 

One the magic effect is made and packaged it's time to SELL and bring the magic effect to the magic community. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS GOOD! Once the club starts selling the product and hopefully making a profit they can then set up a separate account where they can continually invest/market in the magic effect and buy supplies as needed. The funds could also be used to hire magicians to do magic lectures at the club, go on magic field trip outings, travel to competitions or even invest in a magician at the club that you feel may go far, but needs some extra help or schooling out side of the club. the idea are endless with what you can do. Now I'm not saying that the profit from the created magic effect could fly all the members to Las Vegas, but it could maybe help with traveling expenses or help with bringing hotel costs down or even pay admission fees to popular yearly magic seminars.

We need to start updating our thinking in the magic community. These days everything is social networking and media. Why not use these tools to our benefit. If we start working together and collaborating on ideas we may find a little more respect within one another and get a better understanding of each other. Think of  "THE MAGIC CLUB INVENTING and MARKETING ACT!" as somewhat like Boy's Scouts or Girl Scouts. (A little shout out to the female magicians)
You have to work together to complete a common GOAL. We all want BADGES and TROPHIES, but they don't come FREE! You have to work for them.

So if anyone reading this finds value in what I'm saying and maybe you could pass this along to the higher ups in magic, just please credit me with my idea, because I have many more. Otherwise your going against everything I'm saying here. It's like taking a architects plans before he finishes. I have many more, but this is just the rough draft.

Well now that I have this documented it's now time to put my brain to rest and get back to sleep.
I would like to end with this.  Next time you wake up from a dead sleep due to a thought or idea I suggest you listen to yourself and your heart. When it keeps pulling and tugging at you it's time to take action. Sleeping it off may only bury a GREAT DREAM!
 Mark Presley

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