Blog Archive

Friday, May 17, 2013

U.B.A.T. ULTIMATE BLACK ART TABLE with code memory.

U.B.A.T.  ULTIMATE BLACK ART TABLE with code memory. 
Black art thread system with pivoting mirror system. With the advances of technology and magic being exposed this may one day become a new system. Right now the pieces are in early stages. Please feel free to use it however you wish as to improve and advance in our art.

Created by Mark Presley May 17th 2013 10:12 pm after watching this video (BELOW) I have had this in my mind for several years and after watching this video I felt inspired to finally document it. Sometimes we take for granted simple blueprints. Blueprints are our life and within every material thing there is material code. This table can also work on a pulley system or a wind tunnel that has jets (BLANK) can’t expose public. For right now it may be used for stage illusion or stage parlor.

With technology pretty much taking over the minds we have to adapt to being fast and even more vibrant and colorful. (DC) Our attention spans are getting shorter. Just take a drive in the car and you will see.. If you just try to stop and make an effort not to always be connected to your ipod or iPhone, texting.... you will start to become more sensitive and aware. If done right you can hide the code in the painting of the prop. Because many people always have to take pictures and video of everything if they take a picture of this they will be surprised once they look at the photo. GOODS LUCK!

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