Do mirrors lie? Have you ever noticed that you look good in some mirrors then others?
The other day I was at the mall. I was looking for some more Imaginator gear/ideas and found myself in a clothing store. I noticed the medium size attractive woman that had just came out of the changing room and was standing in front of the mirror to see how she looked. She was very upset and at hey appearance and was ready to leave the clothing store when one of the salespersons said "Why don't you come over to this mirror? It has more light." After she modeled herself a few tines she then went to the register to make a whooping $750.00 purchase.
I witnessed this all in under about 5 minutes as I was looking at some of the gadgets in the store. I don't know why, but I was puzzled about the mirror thing that happened so I decided to check out the first mirror that the woman was at and then checked out the other mirror. I realized that when I looked at myself in the second mirror I looked considerably lighter then the first mirror which made me look heavier. I also noticed the one mirror looked slightly thicker then the other as well as a very slight bend. I was thinning to myself "Is this some sort of conspiracy that makes people buy from this store? Making them look good in mirrors that will compliment them." Maybe this is the same technology that they pump into store music PA's where hidden deep down in the music is "Buy! Buy! Buy!" think about it! how many times have you gone to a store to buy one thing only to come home with 4 bags of groceries.
Sometimes the illusion in which we live is so up close IN YOUR FACE that we don't even see it. The nice thing about magic is that perhaps we can change and bend the rules. What if we could actually manipulate things in such a way that it brings positiveness to people? What if we pumped into our sound system some positive messages rather the making it a MONEY MACHINE like some department stores supposedly do. Is it a myth? anything that can be thought of can be accomplished.
Maybe imbedded in our music could be "Your great, Your going to be fine, it may be hard, but you'll prevail," I know I'm reaching way out again right? I don't know why I thought this but when I said
"I know I'm reaching way out again right?" brought back a memory of when I accidentally locked my keys in my car. I worked at a college and remembered looking on Google one time"How to get your car door opened after you've locked your keys in it" I'm sure my Google search was shorter, but anyway the search result was to use a dental pick.
The college I worked at had a dental program so I went in and asked the worker If I could borrow a dental pick. she looked at me like I was a alien and I continued to explain that I need it to get into my car because the keys were locked in it. She looked at me even more perplexed, gave me the pick and I left. I remember that it kind of bothered me that the lady looked at me like a freak just because I was asking for a dental pick or being different.Well excuse me, but I'd rather take a chance and save
$150.00 just to have a locksmith come out to get my car open. I think I even said " Here we go! the moment you go out of the realm of things people look at you like your a freak" It kind of make me think that maybe we should all be walking around with mirrors hanging down in front of us so that when we talk or act a certain way we can immediately see what we look like to others.
So anyway let me get you back on track here with the mirrors.
I hope you get some use out of this.

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