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Sunday, November 24, 2013


Be who you are! be who makes you HAPPY!
Several years ago I was lucky enough to get a spot on WGN TV channel 9 as the NerdGician. The 
Herb Jann
NerdGician is a character I created back in the 90's. I was asked by my mentor Herb Jann to come over to his house warming party to do some magic. I had know idea what I wanted to do, but I've always wanted to do comedy and since this was just a show to put on for friends I decided to give it a whirl. I put together a simple costume involving a nerdy shirt and your typical stereotype glasses. The picture below is the first beta version of the character.

The response of my Nerdgician was well received. I started working on the character development even more and had changed and modified the costume. In 2010 I was asked by producer Glenn Chelius and Nino Cruz to perform in the "Nothin' Up My Sleeve"show which landed me a spot on WGN TV.

The follwing year I was also lucky to open for Kevin Johnson who stared on "Americas Got Talent" It was a true blessing to able to work with Kevin and see him do his magic with his ventriloquism.

I decided to take a break from the NerdGician for a few years. I was working on my Imaginator character and so I hung up my nerd clothes for two years. I've had several people asking me through the years say "Where is the NerdGician? I love that character. Tonight after some thought I decided to try on the nerd clothes and give the nerd a whirl. It didn't take long to get back into nerd mode. Sometimes in life you can't fight what comes natural or what you're good at. We try hard at times to be someone we aren't. Have you ever experienced that? if so maybe you need to check your closest and find what fits you as well as what you feel comfortable in. 

You just might find that LOST YOU!


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