I haven't made a new post in a few weeks. I guess I needed a little break. I've also been working hard on my next effect coming out called "Scorched" Just the other day I was visiting a distributor. They wanted me to present to them my "Scorched" effect. I must say they were pretty impressed with the presentation. I also showed them the dvd that comes with the effect and and we watched it a bit and then continued talking about the retail price and deciding whether the skill level will hurt the effect or not.
The "Scorched" effect is probably for the more skillful magician, but I believe that anyone that can put their mind to it and practice should be able to perform this effect with no problem. I'm not the most skillful card technician, but I think because I created the effect it comes naturally easy for me.
As I was sitting at the conference table with the owner and son something bizarre happened. A noise came form the pc of the president of the company that I was sitting across from. He said " facebook event page to participate in the contest I'm having. I'll be giving away one free "Scorched" effect that will be signed and numbered. You will also be able to view the trailer for the first time.
What the heck is that noise?" as we looked at the screen we saw numbers coming up on the screen and at the very top it said "Thermal warning" It was kind of spooky because it kind of ties into my whole "Scorched" effect. I'm sorry I can't tell you too much, but the release date will be November 30th 2013. You can join my
This is a effect that has been in the working way before "Butterfly in a BOX" it's just that when the "Butterfly in a BOX" came along it kind of pushed the other ideas to the side. My "Scorched" effect however, was first introduced to some good friends of mine that own this distributor company which I really can't name at this time. This is my first effect that included cards. My other effects were more like prop magic, but when I started coming up with the "Scorched" effect I new that it had a lot of potential. As I brainstormed of how I can add more things to it, it just kept getting better and better.
I really enjoy the inventing part of magic. In a way I like it much better then performing magic, but in order to be a inventor of magic, I have to do both. That way I can test out what I invent. I almost feel like just disappearing and working behind the scenes of magic. I really enjoy bringing a creation to life.
So that's why I really haven't been on this blog much because sometimes we need to just step away from the things that are our passion, and instead spend time with the ones that are passionate about us. Such as family. You may also find out that when you step away from your work a little it will come back stronger and will help your imagination and creativity FLOW and GROW!
I get inspired by all kinds of things. My family, friends, magicians, and people doing AWESOME things. "YES! People are AWESOME!"
By the way! I also came up with a cool way to make it smoke. You don't need any electronics, batteries, dry ice. No Usb's, or EC. No chemicals either. It works real nice. I'll be talking about that another time. right now it's locked in my safe along with all kinds of other idea and concepts. It's all locked up in my brain.
Thanks for visiting and I would like to say one last thing.
"People are AWESOME!"
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