In my business endeavor I've had to learn alot of business does and don't s on my own. Some lessons have helped me out a great deal while others I only wish that I could step back and make a better decision. Our world they we live in is made up of decisions that we have to make everyday in our lives. Some decisions can be a matter of life and death. Other decisions could be very innocent, but could come to haunt you if you're not careful.
One of the things you have to be extremely careful with is mixing friends with business. People who are starting a business often think that it's a good idea to start a business together because they get along and have a good relationship, but that relationship could be torn down quickly if their is some weaknesses in the business structure.
This video here is a law business, but it can pertain to anyone running a business.
One of the most important things for me is simple communication. If you don't have communication with me then it's hard for me to make the best decisions, move forward to the next step or better yet have a understanding of what the other business I'm dealing with is like. How many time have you had to call a business only to be put on hold for minutes at a time or to have your number taken and no have no phone calls returned. Now take all of that and imagine being a business and you have to deal with another business who does that.
For the one business who is trying to make things role and move along smoothly could put them in a uncomfortable position when dealing with the other business party that is not. You could come across pushy, aggressive and impatient when in actuality you're not being un reasonable with any of those three. It just happens that the other party you're doing business with isn't following up on communication and they don't even realize that their is a communication problem.
It could be very dangerous to do business with another business who can't have a open end of communication. Especially when you have a deadline on a project and the people you're doing business with doesn't call you on the day they said they would. You then follow up with a phone call and they are somewhat clueless. They tell you that they will have the person that you were doing business with get back to you. They get back to you, but it's almost a week form the deadline date that they said they would call.

Can you have both and if not is your friendship destroyed? All I can say is the next time I'm going to do business with someone I'm going to grill them. At first it was all fun and inspiring as far as creating magic effects goes. I truly felt like a rock-star with the attention I was getting with my "Butterfly in a BOX" which was the whole start and kick off of helping me realize that I have a knack for inventing and creating magic effects. A talent that I never knew I had. Sometimes I wish that my brain didn't tap into it. I thought I felt wired then, now I can't stop thinking of new magic effects and I have to keep a note pad with me to write down every idea that comes to my mind. It's a love hate relationship., but now it's less fun and it has become more business.
In magic we have to communicate to our audience so it is clear as to what we are trying to convey. Whether it's verbal or body language we are using we still have to communicate.
I just wanted to share my experience with you in hopes that people will realize the importance of communication whether it's business or personnel, regardless it's important to have a open line of communication. a simple email or phone call can go a long way. Even if you have a deadline and you don't haven't made a decision it's best to at least communicate that to other people you're doing business with. Otherwise a breach of trust can start to develop.
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