This dream however is sticking with me. So much that I couldn't even go back to sleep. the dream, like must dreams doesn't make sense. The scenes of the dream change abruptly. I will be in one place and then suddenly in another place that is completely irrelevant from the place or thing I was just doing. It's like my brain as on super-drive ADHD. Has that ever happened to you?
My dream takes place somewhere in the middle-east. I'm not sure, but at the same time it feels very American because everyone speaks English. I don't remember how I got to this place, but suddenly I was with a bunch of military newbies. I was one of them. I was scared as hell as I was following a small group of men. We came to a huge marble pillar where we were getting a very quick crash coarse on how to operate our machine guns. During our survival crash course one man said "Wait! you mean when we have to reload this special battery clip, if, if we don't do it right the gun could explode?"
This isn't a good start for me. I have ADD and I don't need the stress of how to operate a highly advanced gun. I have enough stress making sure my magic effects I create are all understandable with the directions and video. I can't be in a war. I have magic to create. I have a wife, son and family. I can't bother with this. A dream however seems very real. Even though it's a dream it puts what's important into perspective.
Back to the dream!
After the crash course we were instructed to shoot to kill. The enemy should be getting here any time now so scatter about and keep your eye open. I was now alone and terrified. I was looking in every direction, looking for anyone with a different uniform besides mine. The scenery was confusing. I was surrounded my these massive pillars and I saw what looked like the huge chain link fences that construction companies use to keep people out. Abruptly the dream changed and it looked like I was in some huge combination of a mall and embassy. I'm not sure. I'm bent down and walking in a half ready half terrified concern. It's a terrifying feeling of knowing you may have to kill someone and that also someone wants to kill you.
The place I was at had a series of spiral marble looking staircases along with a elevator on each floor. I would say the staircases spiraled up a good 30 floors. As I was looking around I suddenly saw on the corner of my eye a man who was behind a pillar pointing a machine gun at me. I quickly shot at him. he fell to the floor, but then another came, and then another. I'm terrified and shaking but somehow I managed to get them as well. I start to panic and run up the spiral staircase to get away.
There are alarms going off and I find myself running into what looks like a fine clothing store. I run behind a rack of clothes. I hear a telephone ring. A man working at the store answers the phone. He had just been informed that there may be an enemy in the store. They just informed some military that I was in the store. I jumped up onto a round clothes rack and jumped over some people. I'm running fast, scared and breathless. I don't know how the hell I keep escaping death. I continue up the spiral staircase looking for an escape. I stop to get some rest.
I walk a little ways just past the staircase. I see a military woman at an elevator. Upon getting a closer look I see another elevator next to the woman with a man standing and guarding the elevator as well.
The one woman looks up as I'm watching her. She makes eye contact and then reaches for her gun. I react stealthy and shoot her along with the man at the elevator next to her. During me doing this I could only think. "What is going on? I don't want to do this, but it's either them or me.
The situation now intensifies as the surveillance cameras catch the whole thing. I now hear tons of talking, yelling and several footsteps charging in all directions. I start to run up another series of steps. I find my way through a door and then another door and another. I break my way through a door where the scene slightly changes. It looks like I'm in some kid area. I see a series of mazes that have those wrestling type mats on the floor. It's colorful, but at the same time a little run down. I start to run through the kids maze.

I saw the boy again. he was at the top of the non-working waterfall. This time he had a friend with him. He started giving orders to his friend and I to bring those hoses and wire to him. He hocked some gadgets up. Something that looked like a very large generator. All of the sudden the waterfall was working. I heard loud sounds of nature as if the boy magically hooked up a humongous sound system. I saw subtle lighting that turned on and was running along the very large indoor creek pond.
The dream abruptly changed again and I found myself running for my life. It was that type of run where when you're running you fell weak and heavy and the more you try to run faster the more difficult it becomes. It's a feeling I often get in dreams except one time that terrified heavy running dream became reality. This is a true story. NOT A DREAM. I was at my job cleaning. I cleaned restaurants at one point in my life. One early morning. I think it was about 2am in the morning. 4 masked men broke into the restaurant while I was working. They held weapons up at me, forced me on the floor and then tied me up using those riot cuffs. Again! no Bullshit. True story. They tied me to the footrest bar where people sit at a bar. Here I was crunched down with my hands cuffed to a bar.
Years ago, about the age of 10 I read a book that I got form the library. It was a book about "HOUDINI'S ESCAPES and MAGIC"methods. I still have that book. For some reason I never returned it, not realizing that it would one day possibly save my life. After the 4 masked robbers cuffed me up they asked where the safe was. "I said in the back" they went toward the back of the kitchen to work on the safe. I decided to put my Houdini escape knowledge to the test. I used of of the methods I learned in the book. The next thing I know, I'm out of the cuffs, running out the exit door and running in that heavy, terrified, panicked run. Trying to get away. It was just like in the dreams, but real.
Back to the dream! so I'm running down a corridor that has several gated windows and doors. I go to open a door only to see the marble staircase again where several military men are charging up the stairs as well as coming straight at me from the hallway. I turn around and head toward the gated window which happens to be open. I climb out and jump, but to my amazement I'm flying in a half controlled half UN-controlled manner. It's like the heavy run feel except now I"m flying. It's a awesome feeling but at the same time I'm terrified because every so often I start to loose control and start quickly falling down. I'm now whipping close to the sides of buildings. The only way I can explain the felling of how it feels is it's like the superman movies.
I finally land safe. Again the dream changes. I'm in a elevated outside parking garage. I panicking. Looking for my car. I'm lost. I can't find it. I wake up. My dream was a combination of disturbed, weird, frightful and happy. I get up. It's 6:13am. I start to write about my dream.
I imagine that one day I'll read this and it will sound cheesy. Just like must dreams I have. They all seem cool, funny or scary, but shortly after waking up, having some coffee and thinking about my dream. It quickly becomes lame. I finished with this dream, this story. I'm hesitant to click on the publish button. the dream doesn't seem as strong. yet here I am posting it.
maybe it's a lesson for all of us. Maybe the little boy that didn't have confidence, but then suddenly did was me. Maybe the people I was shooting at was the things that bother me in this world. Evil people who take the lives of innocent people. The terrifying feeling of trying to succeed, yet often falling. I get up. I try and try again. I want to give up at times, but I don't. I just focus like a uncontrollable fright train. Not stopping at any stops to let the negative people on. I'm UN-stoppable.
I'm focused and am trying to stay on the right track. Sometimes I feel high. I'm flying, but not in total control. Dreams are awesome! they can sometimes tell us a little about who we are, where we are going and where we have been. War on the other hand! what is it good for? absolutely NOTHING!
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