And certainty no disrespect to David. He's the bomb.
So for the time being I will be posting here every now and then, but for the most part I will be working in my studio, practicing for the competition coming up as well as working on a project.
I was recently getting some consulting by Jeff McBride via skype and after about 50 inquisitive questions about my act he recommend I get off facebook and practice. Thanks JM! I really needed that motivation and advice. By the way I will be on Master Jeff McBrides MAGICAL MYSTERY SCHOOL sometime in june. I'll be discussing about how to tap into your "Imagination and Creativity"
Whenever I take a break, mainly from facebook. I feel refreshed as well as a new energy. It's so easy to get caught up in the social media drama, the one - uping one another, the likes, shares, comments. Worrying about who you offended. You know what I'm talking about. Here on those blog I don't have to worry about any of that. If people want to read it they can. if they don;t like it fine! People don't leave comments or interact here. All I do is write my articles, my posts and every now and then maybe I will strike a cord with moving or inspiring someone.
Think about how great our magic would be if we just took a break form facebook or social networking and just practiced our art.
My title for this blog as you may have noticed is "Se·ren·i·ty" what does that actually mean? It's the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled. An oasis of serenity amidst the bustling city" or social media. I think we could all use that don't you?
So here my Se·ren·i·ty begins. Like I said. I will post some things here on my blog every now and then. I might even post a few hints to some projects I'm working on, but they are just little clues.
When it comes to our art form. We have to be not only magicians, but also inventors, craftsmen, musicians and sometimes even sewers.
With that being said. I have to get busy practicing. Have a great day, night or morning wherever you may be.
Me ka `oia`i`o With sincerity
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