Then yesterday the idea came to me again. Last! I was woken up at 3:45 am. At this point I thought that maybe I should pay attention to this idea. It must be of importance because it has such a strong pull at me.
I think the big problem I have is finding a trustworthy team and sponsors. Like many of experiences I have been through. I will approach people with an idea. It turns out that they like the idea so much that they claim ownership and make it their own and next thing you know I'm out of the picture and not even credited.
The only thing I can tell you without giving anything away is that this idea will be an idea to promote and bring awareness to the magical arts. It could also be implemented for all the arts in general.
The hard part of being creative is sometimes idea seem too big to achieve unless you have proper back-up and support. I'm not really sure if the performing arts are hurting or not. I don't know all the facts, but I can tell you through my observation that perhaps it could be. We are so wired into the social media that we no longer have to go see a show. We can just look it up on youtube and watch the show at our convenience. As I walk down the street many people don't even make eye contact ot give you the time of day.
They are walking with their faces in the phones or ipads. Their face has become one with the screen. Sometimes you can see the reflection of the screen on their face. People are still driving while on the phone and texting. Even though it's now a law not to be on the phone unless it's wireless, people are still doing it. They just don't care.
I recently read an outstanding article by Illusions by Vick. I will post the article later once I get his permission and approval to post it. Vick was discussing about how much the magic industry has changed. How so many products are downloads. No hard product or paper. It's just a "How to" video.
You watch the video and learn the magic or make the prop yourself. I had done something similar. I have a download effect called "Sew What"

I'm really beside myself in this area. Is it okay to have all this technology? Is it okay to have thousands of downloads of magic effects, video, books and magic lectures at our fingertips? We spend the money on them, but we don't have anything physical to show. Is Vick right? Will technology become so advanced that the code for those downloads, videos, ebooks will no longer work? You will no longer be able to read that ebook because it's out of date. Of course that is good news for the seller because you now have to up-grade or get the newest version right?
I guess that's why I've decided that with all my magic products I sell. I'm going to enclose instructions. Many magicians love being able to have actual instructions with the effect. I also include a dvd with it as well. I try to cover all grounds. The only thing I don't provide is foreign language.
I here from many magicians that I shouldn't bother with instructions. They thing is the youth today looks at directions as a foreign object and just throw them away.
I think we have to give these young magicians a break, a chance. If they are brought up in a world of technology and social networking and in constant touch with buttons. They may not of ever been taught about what it's like to have an actual book or instructions. They may not be aware that the youtube videos revealing magic effects are wrong. They just watch the video of the young magician who is giving a way a secret and ripping into them of how crappy or "I could I made this" comment.
So now you think your doing magic justice by being a jerky, cocky kid and posting the secrets. I haven't had this done to me, but I have seen some great effects ruined by these young kids.
So all I can say is that if your a youngster reading this blog. You have to realize the importance of our art. If you want to keep our art alive you have to respect the number one rule in magic "Don't tell the secrets"
We work very hard to master our art and to explain how certain effects are done in great detail ruins the art. It also makes you look bad.
So back to my idea I had in the begging of this blog which was "Magical Arts Awareness Campaign?" I feel stuck right now with how to do this, who to approach and who to trust.
This may be another one of those frustrated ideas that I just keep buried in my mind and don't do anything with because of the idea being stolen and not properly credited. Maybe I'll start a kickstater and apply for all the permits, hire all the magicians and film it on my own. All I can say is it could be a world viral video to bring awareness to the magical arts.
Sometimes when we have thoughts and visions that keep vising us. We have to listen to what they are saying. it could be something that could make a very strong impact on the world.
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