It's been several months since I have worked on my Imaginator character. The character is a constant work in progress. Occasionally I will get inspired to suit up and try out an idea or material for the character. I made this video about a year ago. Although it really isn't the route I wanted to go I decided to make a video anyway. I think in some way it helps me sort out what I want to do with the Imaginator. There is so much I can do with this character that I actually get overwhelmed and tired.
That actually happens a lot with my work. my artistic side get's a constant flood of thoughts and idea that it's too hard to keep up. Sometimes the ideas in a book with detailed information. I even put date and time stamps on them. Other times I'll share ideas with my magic friends for them to do as they wish with them. I feel like that helps free some harddrive space.
As artists we need to sometimes chill out and have fun with out art. Explore your different gifts and talents. You never know. Just by playing around with different props, characters, music. You may tap into a new undiscovered idea.
In this video I was merrily just having fun with an idea I had. I consider it avant garde.
I think what I'm really trying to communicate to you is that finding yourself in the magical arts can take a long time. It can be very frustrating. Like I said I'm still trying to find myself. So rather then being stressed or feel pressured. Just have fun. This can apply to everything in life. We put so much pressure, deadlines and things of that sort onto us that we can sometimes miss what's important.
I think many of us worry more about how our image looks to other people rather then how we look to ourselves. Many of us need to just CHILL OUT! Love ourselves, love others and love what we do.
Entertain yourself by doing what you love. Sometimes we often don't do what we love simply because others don't like it or understand it.
We all want to be liked and successful. But at what cost?
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