A few years ago I made my "Butterfly in a BOX" effect. (Visit my website for info on the effect as well as other products) It was my first effect that I was putting out to the magic community. It was a lot of work, but well worth it. I had produced everything on the effect from logo, instructional dvd, 25 page color instruction booklet, packaging, video trailers and marketing. One thing I had no clue about is approaching a magic distributor with my "Butterfly in a BOX" I didn't want to approach the wholesaler with too high of a price and at the same time I didn't want to go to low either. I had to make it worth my time to manufacture, since I manufactured everything in house.
That's where my friend, Steve Hart came int play. He was one of my facebook friends and at the time I really didn't know him. One day he saw my facebook post about how I was looking for help getting my "Butterfly in a BOX" on it's feet. We chatted a little and Steve told me about some magic products that he has created and sold on the magic market such as; Correct Key, Vanishing 2 Liter Soda Bottle, Magic Butterfly Packet, Burnt Shoe, Spelling "Bee" Board, The Wall, Coal To Diamond, Water Lota Bowl Vase and Steve's Lecture notes, "Hart Attacks" Hearing the list of products Steve created.
It was a sweet deal. Steve helped me understand the language jargon of selling magic effects to wholesalers, such as jobbers and the percent rate of magician, jobber, wholesaler and retailer.
After learning all of this. I sent my video to Murphy's Magic and they immediately called wanting the "Butterfly in a BOX" They really liked the effect and in their opinion, they thought the effect had a long shelf time and would be one of those magic products that would have longevity; such as Rocco Silano's D'Lite.
Thanks to Steve's help. I was able to get my product on it's feet and start selling. To this day I've probably sold over 4,000 Butterfly in a BOX" not bad for a first timer.
Steve helped me out so much and now I wanted to return the favor. Steve had one of his magic effects; "Coal to Diamond" where he didn't have a video trailer for it yet. So Steve and I Skyped. Steve showed me his "Coal to Diamond" trick and explained to me his vision of what he wanted the effect to look like for the video trailer.
So I put my thinking cap on and I came up with some ideas. Steve also gave me the freedom to have artistic freedom. So I came up with two videos.
One video was streamlined, straight to the point. The other video I made was more on the artistic side where I made a short story of the "Coal to Diamond" effect. Steve and I received some great positive feed back from "Magic Cafe" regarding Steve's effect and my video work. You can read the "Magic Cafe" comments here on this link.
On the artistic video version I did where the video was shot outside. I noticed a something that was overlooked in the video. In the movie business it called 'Movie Continuity" basically that is errors found in movies. Here is a video of some movies where after the movie was made, the errors were discovered.
Lets see if you can find my continuity error. If you find it please leave a comment below in this blog, but don't reveal what the error was. Just say "Got it" or something like that.
Here is the not theatrical "Coal to Diamond" video trailer.
After completing the video trailer for the "Coal to Diamond" like most magic us magicians own, it ends up in a drawer or on the shelf collecting dust. Through the years I've wanted to perform the effect "Coal to Diamond" at the restaurant, "Barnaby's Family Inn" in Arlington Heights, IL
I never really performed it there simply because my pockets were already jammed and spewing out with magic. It wasn't till recently that I was going through my display cabinet and came across the "Coal to Diamond" effect. I was brought some some great memories of when Steve helped me out with my "Butterfly in a BOX" effect and how I made the video trailers for his effect, "Coal to Diamond"
I had forgot what a beautiful and visual effect it was, and so I decided to work it into my close up routine. Performing at Barnaby's for almost 21 years now. I needed to freshen and re-haul my show and so I stated taking out and adding new material in. I worked out a little routine for the "Coal to Diamond" and now I was ready to perform it live. My first performance of the effect was a smash hit and all the other restaurants I work at followed up with the same reaction. I was thinking to myself, "What and awesome visual effect. I should of had this in my show several years ago"

If you're a close up magician that is tired of doing way too many card tricks, sponge balls or cups and ball, then the "Coal to Diamond" may be just for you. And if you add a little flash paper and a lighter to the effect, it will make it even more visual and stronger. When I perform my routine I ask the audience if they know where coal comes from? I then take out the coal and show it to the audience.
What also sells the illusion of this effect is the sound. You can knock the coal on the table and you here that it's a solid piece of coal, next you squeeze the coal in you cupped up hands, take a lighter to the hand holding the coal. You see a flash and when you open your hand the coal is gone and in it's place a beautiful 2 inch honker Diamond. I make a joke and say "Diamonds really are a girls best friend"

The "Coal to Diamond" requires a little practice, but you will get it down in no time. The Coal to Diamond" is indeed a DIAMOND in the rough and if you pass this effect up. You may just be passing up a gem. Buy here! https://diamondcoaltrick.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/changing-coal-into-a-diamond/
Don't forget to look over my artistic "Coal to Diamond" that was show outside. See if you can find the error in the video. remember, leave a comment, but don't reveal what the continuity is.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Make each day a MAGICAL DAY!
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