This has been festering in me for a few weeks now and so I thought it might be a great topic to talk about. Besides performing. Many magicians do other things for income. Anything from making and selling your own products, doing lectures, selling books or maybe just simply having a fan page, youtube channel or even running a CONTEST! But did you know that by de-friending people on facebook, social media. you could also be hurting your business?
This could be a challenging topic, especially when politics are more than ever, playing an important role in everyones lives. Everyone is UBER sensitive and things can get pretty heated up pretty fast and we can all be guilty of pressing that de-friend button to get rid of those pesky people.
But what if you were de-friended for something as simple as a silly mundane contest? That's right a CONTEST! No! NO! not a magic competition, but a contest? This happened to me several years ago and as silly as this sounds, it still irritates me. Not necessarily the de-friending part, but the poor business choice that this magician made while running the contest.
I'll explain in more detail, but I'll keep the name discrete. I'm not here to bash, but I would like to discuss this in hopes that people might be a little more careful and considerate of your fans and magic supporters. As I said, this happened to me a few years ago. A fellow magician was having a contest. I guess he was trying to build his fan base. He is into the supernatural, mind reading type genre in magic. Anyway, he was doing this "Name my voodoo doll contest" He was asking people to come up with a name for his voodoo doll and the one he liked best would win an iPod. So me being a supporter of him. I decided to give it a try. I consider myself to be creative and have a good imagination and so I should have no problem comping up with a name and so after I came up with about 10 names, I private messaged him and sent the 10 names to him and told him that if he liked any of the names to feel free to use it, but I'm not interested in the iPod and so you can just pas it onto someone. I jus wanted to help. Well I guess this magi didn't like that I was offering to help, but not interested in participating in the contest and winning his ipod like he wanted me to and so he de-friended me.
Like I said, it's not the de-friending that has upset me, but the order and reason in which it was done. So I find myself thinking about this and thinking about a lot of other magicians that offer goods and services and may be doing the same thing. I don't think as a business man they think or maybe just don't care on how de-friending can hurt their business. Suppose you have a new product coming out or your new book will be making it's debut. Or maybe you do lectures or you are promoting a upcoming show. And lets say that someone on the social media rubbed you the wrong way. They did nothing vile, they didn't slander you, or insult you, but you just decided that you didn't like them.
When you de-friend them, do you think they are going to be a loyal dedicated customer? Do you think they will want to buy your products, book, lectures or see your show? Probably not. I know I wouldn't. I mean, I mean, I think, I think it's kind of narcissist to think that you can treat people like that, but you have no problem taking money from them. You have to treat everyone like they mean something to you. They are your fans, your supporters. They are the ones who make you feel good about your performance, the ones that put money into your pocket and so maybe it would be a good. wise idea to take a step back and ask yourself if de-friending this person is worth it.
I come across hundreds of magician that either sell products, do lectures or even have a brick and mortar magic shop who don't get into any politics or social differences. They are the smart ones. They got it figured out and know how getting into such topics and matters can effect their business. SO KUDDOS TO YOU! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
I don't think people really think of the repercussions when they make these choices. So now because this magician that decided to OUT me from his social media so called fan page has probably no idea of the damage he's done because of that choice. Over the years I have seen this magi doing lectures and shows, who knows, maybe even selling a book or products and I have not attended one show, when in the past I would of happily paid money and supported his art. But now he has to deal with not only losing money, but having to deal with me bringing up his name and story to other people. Again! this isn't so much that I was de-friended and my feelings were ever so hurt. it's that some magicians think so high of themselves that can can just pick and choose who their supporters and fan base will be. Okay R Kelly! how's that working for you!
I tell you, you must be pretty confident in your business when you can pick and choose your fan base. I also would like to add that this isn't the only person that has done this. I'm sure it's happened to you as well. So would you carry on with supporting, purchasing and attending shows and lectures when a fellow magician thinks that you're not good enough to be on his friends list, fan club, social media page, but you are definitely good enough for him, her to take money from. and fill his pockets?
I know for me, because of my experience with this sour social media magi, I will try to pay close attention to the choices I make. When you have a fan base, you should cherish all your fans. They are the ones that care for you, the ones that are helping you succeed. To knock them down like that shows your arrogance and unkindness. You may de-friend one person, but that one person is going to talk about you and you will have no idea how much it maybe hurting you and your business. We should all try to be supportive of one another. There is plenty of room and fame for all of us. Lets all try to be understanding with one another and not an all "ME!" type approach. I would love to hear any of your stories and experiences that you may have had. Let's not mention any names though. Like I said, were not here to bash, but to educate. Please comment below.
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Monday, February 11, 2019
How De-Friending may be hurting your magic product line, shows, contests, lectures, book sales and more...

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