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Monday, August 13, 2012


The imaginator- created by Mark Presley


Update on the magic contest.

I left two in a half hours early. Lots of traffic because of Cub's and Sox Games. I had to get there by 1:15 or else disqualified. Waiting in traffic I also was finding it difficult to hold the liquid I just consumed. I finally exit expressway after spending over two hours on it. I'm running down the street and up the stairs to check in with 6 minutes to spare. I felt like I was in a movie. I put on my gear and getting a lot of looks. The contest was being held at the Chicago History Museum. 

I had one of my Imaginator gear packs break about
five minutes before I am to go on. I was number 8 in line. I fixed the gear with a Velcro strap which I discovered works better then the way I had it. I finally go on. Lots of good vibes and energy. I got a great reaction form the "Sands Of Time" effect." the police car and thimble routine was great, but not Imaginator material. The "Butterfly in a Box" same thing. Beautiful, but not for my character. I just can't wait to save up and go to the Mcbride Mystery School. I've heard such great things and I know that working with the pros will only improve my magic and character. 
The sound was very difficult for me to hear. 
Since my magic and presentation is perfectly timed to music and sound effects I found it difficult to hear an be in sing with the low music. I think they should of had a monitor on stage or off to the side. It kind of reminded me of when I did a show and thew cd started skipping. when that happened I had to perform a music act to a skipping cd which the sound people finally turned off. After that I always brought my own sound system. 
I think as performers we should have the responsibility of being prepared. Don't you? Back to the contest! The sound person turned up the sound a little louder after I asked them to do so. I was now in sink with my routine. Despite the sound Fred Paul Bailey @ really did an excellent job lining up all the performers and making sure the wireless mic was set. NOTE FOR MYSELF: "Don't worry about people thinking I'm a control freak by bringing my own sound system in the future. Being prepared is essential for success." Another valuable lesson I learned at the contest that I have overcome is listening to myself. My instincts. I had a problem with the Imaginator wings. The night before the show my wife and I spent hours cutting out transfer irons and ironing the message that was to be displayed on the wings. As a grand finale I was supposed to raise my wings that would read "WE ARE ALL HEROES" but I was having trouble with the wings getting tangled so I finally took them out of the show. In recent occasions I have ignored the voice convincing myself that I'm in control. That is when I'm kicking myself in the ass because something usually goes wrong. You know! the voice that was telling you what to do all along, but you didn't listen?
The other thing I learned is how some people can be so quick to judge. Sometimes harsh when your not following the beat of the drum that others are following. I feel like an underdog. like I'm standing up and fighting for the people that are afraid to. In a weird way saying "it's okay. You will fall, but keep going because there's better things, undiscovered things, on the other side." Frankly I'm tired of the same magic. It doesn't mean that the magic is poor or the performers are poor. I had the great opportunity of performing with some unbelievable talent. This is just something personal I'm going thru.  
Now the line up of who won. The amazing Tim Hannig took first place. He is an awesome
entertainer. Second place was John Sturk Third place was Louis Carreon. I had a great time and had one person say I have BIG...... you know whats. This was a great learning experience for me and had a blast working with such great pros. I learned that I have to tweak up and change some material. This has been some valuable experience for me. I'm going to keep going forward and do what I do. I urge any magician to enter into contests as much as you can. It is a growth of knowledge. 
I've also  learned the Imaginator may not be for everyone. I may not be performing at arenas or stadiums, but much bigger places. Your HOME! where not hundreds, but perhaps thousands even millions will be tuning into the internet waves to see the IMaginator and what he has to say and share.
I'll be looking forward to perhaps performing next year in the Chicago magic competition, if accepted with a new, honed and more Imaginator style magic. God Bless.

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