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Monday, June 10, 2013


I was flipping through the cable channels the other night and decided to watch Americas Got Talent.
I was really impressed with what I saw. A young man, Danny Wolverton who is also known as "Special Head" took the judges and audience by surprise with a very old magic effect that Danny brought back to life.
I think his performance was a masterpiece. I don't want to spoil it to much for the people that didn't get a chance to see it. The second video below with the young girl is her watching "Special Head" for the first time.

It's really interesting observing and studying a persons magical experience up close. If you observe further you will notice the rapid eye movement. You quite impressive. You can tell the brain is working hard trying to process and make sense of what is happening. I think this is a great example of what an impact out Magical Arts can do when it's executed properly. It's amazing how are brain can get tricked and deceived from reality. I think I'm almost as impressed with the girl the the actual effect. I think this could come in hand for some magicians to observe and study the power of our brains, body language, excitement, disbelief, enchantment and more. It almost shows every different emotion in just a few minutes.



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