The energy lies in the material. The material that gave us the gift of IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY! Do you know what energy you are?
Well it's been at least a year that I've been around here. I've been in my secret lair working on my IM car and my tech person, Duncan has been working on the glass elevator leading to the tech-lab. We finally started working on the underground tunnel that leads to the IM car. One of the construction people working on the tunnel by the name of Irwin R, painted a nice "I"in the middle of the "Ipad" which makes it nice for when the Illusionist people come for our meetings. It's kind of funny how Irwin R also keeps buying the "Butterfly in a Box" He likes to give them away when we have special guests over, mostly magicians. It's been a rough week though because Irvin had to leave overseas to bring back elite artist, Henri Rousseau, who will be contracted to do the "Legend's of Magic" mural paintings.
I just don't have the heart to tell him that he will be let go. He just seems to suspicious whenever he's around cleaning while we're having our underground closed door meetings on the Imagination technology crises. I think he may be feeding information to someone. It's one of the more important meetings we have regarding those dam cell phones and ipads. That reminds me. I think Marco Tempest would be a great candidate on informing the kids in the world about how technology is crippling the young minds. Maybe he can work a message into his ipad work.
As far as all the "Underground Inventors of Magic Seminar" goes. I'm still trying to find a secret location just for that. We have to be very careful here not to let to many people know about our location. One place that sticks out is the place not to far from area 51. It is a abandoned warehouse. I remember that day so clearly when I discovered that place. Several years ago I was driving and saw a man pulled over changing his tire. He had some very attractive woman sitting behind the car on the side of the road. I pulled over to ask him if he needed help. He had this song blaring from his car. I think it was "INXS - Never Tear Us Apart" he was a huge guy and he had these airplane parts hanging out of his car and also this huge mirrored ball hanging from his mirror. It was like the size of a basketball. I asked what's up with the huge mirror ball. he said, "Oh that thing? Well you see I make the ball float and then it vanishes and turns into a beautiful lady levitating in mid air. I thought "What a whack job this guy is." I offered to help, but he declined my help so I got into my car and as I was driving off I saw a abandoned warehouse in my rear-view mirror.
It wasn't tell about two years ago that the pieces started to come together. I was at an after party for the "Nothing Up My Sleeve" show at the Raue Center Theater in Crystal Lake, Il
I was videotaping the show and the great Marshall Brodien was making a special appearance. He had no idea that he was the honorary guest and was going to be presented with a honorary award for inspiring magicians from all around the world. Since I was video tapping the show I had the privilege of getting a backstage pass to take pictures. It was a beautiful elite cocktail party. I remember taking pictures of everyone and as I was zooming in on some people it was to my surprise to see someone that looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. It was bothering me, eating at me not knowing who he was. later that evening It clicked! I remember who he was. It was that same guy that was changing his tire several years earlier.
I approached the man that was holding a bottle of Daniel's and asked him if he remembered me. He said "I'm sorry I don't recall that day, but dam! what a hot day that was. By the way my name is Brett" as he was swaying his bottle of Daniels around. "Well I have to go nice to meet you Mark" I have know idea how he knew my name since I didn't even have a name badge, but as he was walking away Brett turned around, pulled his wallet out of his pocket and said "I think your missing something" it was my id backstage pass. Before I could say anything I looked up and he was gone.
Little did I know that all these people were carefully planted in my life to prepare me. To Prepare us for what was going to start taking place. I kept asking myself "Why me?"
Then a voice in my brain spoke to me. The very voice that I speak when I'm trying to talk to people and inspire them.
That voice that said "You are only as big as your mind allows you to be" Then I woke up. Was this all a dream or was it PTSD from the robbery hostage situation I was in, in 1994? I remembered escaping the cuffs that the 4 men put me in while they went to crack the safe.
I remember walking out of the restaurant after I escaped. It was a very spiritual feeling. I looked up into the sky and said "Thank You!" Thank You for giving me the strength to break free and escape that life threatening situation. After that early morning I made a vow to myself that I would try my hardest to go for my dreams as well as inspire other to go for their dream. It was that day that my mind was set free.
That day when I walked out of that restaurant and saw all the bright vibrant sparking light in the sky. I felt a presence. In the early morning when I was inside cleaning and the robbers broke in I was immediately instructed to lay facedown on the floor. My first thought was "This is it! this is how I'm going to die?" then I prayed and at that moment suddenly things felt Matrixed.
I felt a strong presence go through my body. I escaped my life from being in danger that day. The men were covered in masks and had weapons, but it was my gift of having photogenic photography memory that helped land the 4 military robbers in prison due to my detailed description of the 4 men, not to mention reading Harry Houdini's "Escapes and Magic" when I was younger that helped me get out of those cuffs.
Those men were hiding behind masks. It's amazing how you can hide behind a mask, but a mask doesn't hide your soul.
It was that day that started to open the doors of discovering who I am. For those of you reading this blog you will find that it half fiction/half non fiction. It's up to you to decide for yourself what is real and what is not. We are all in a sense Matrixed, The question is will you find yourself.
I'm the IMAGINATOR ans this is my story,
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