how in my high school days there was a bully that started havoc in my life all because of a candy bar that I was selling at my Junior achievement club. His name is Paul Byrnes. I'll call him Candy Bar Paul. Shortly after I denied him a free candy bar and told candy bar Paul that he couldn't have one.
His ego got the best of him and next thing you know he's trying to pick a fight with me. The sad thing was, Paul couldn't fight himself so he had to get someone to do it for me. To this day I reflect back and think to myself "How weak was that" come to think of it I think Candy Bar Paul was a black belt in karate and was afraid to get into fights in fear of his karate teacher finding out and getting his belt and title taken away. Or maybe Candy Bar Paul just didn't want his mother to find out. Too me this is so weak. If you're in karate you should be obeying and respecting the rules. Not only that but life in general.
There is a name for people like this and the name is usually referenced to a female body part, but I am better then that and will keep this blog respectful.
So Candy Bar Paul decided to get someone to do the dirty work and attempt to beat me up. I guess Candy Bar Paul wasn't much a a good decision maker because he had selected the wrong person. Shortly after his hired bully came after me I sent him away with a bloody lip. By the way it's kind of odd that he could hire a bully, but he couldn't pay the 99 cents that the candy bar costs. That's smart thinking there. I just hate fighting. I really do. I think the reason that I've been reflecting back on my childhood so much lately is seeing my son growing up and going through the bully crap as well. Ever since I signed him up for karate the bullying has went way down tremendously. Unlike Candy Bar Paul who was really a weak individual, my son doesn't use his karate for disrespect. It has helped him a great deal with confidence and getting a grasp of who he is and what he can achieve.
I talk often about my terrible school life experiences. Many people don't realize the impact that bulling makes. Especially the ones that have not experienced it. They don't understand! They just think "Get over it! that's in the past!" The truth is, the past is very much alive. I've had kids that stumble on this blog that have contacted me in tears thanking me that they aren't the only ones that feel this way and me talking about it really helps them and gives them strength to move on.
I would like to tell those kids to hang in there. I know it's hard, but things do get better. It will stick with you the rest of your life, but you can prevail by being the best possible person you can be. Believe in yourself and always tell yourself that you're better then them.
You see what those bullies in school don't realize is that during all the terrible times bullies have caused us we have been plotting our future success. That's right! our future success! while the bullies were doing the only thing that their small brain could handle, being a bully. The chess players, math club, Junior Achievement or in my case a magician was planning our success so that one day all the asses that gave us grief are now working for us. It's the ones like us that turn out to be leaders while others are pretty much left back in time. they don't know how to excel and advance in their lives because they hide behind fear.
Just like Candy Bar Paul, Paul Byrnes. He couldn't even accomplish a stupid childhood fight. He had to get someone to do it for him. These are the people that pretty much live their whole life this way. They simply can't do things themselves, they have to get others to do it for them.
I think as get get older and wiser that I'm thankful for the Paul Byrnes people in my life. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be where I am now. You see even though it's negative energy you can take that negative energy and put it into a positive energy. Believe it or not we need the Paul Byrnes people in our lives to create balance. It's these people that cause havoc and pain, but they also create motivation and success. They create our motivation to better ourselves and prove them wrong.
We should be loving and compassionate about these bullies. They might not even know they are bullies. They could simply be a product of what they were brought up into. They could of been raised themselves in a negative environment which creates the hostility and the birth of a bully. Maybe they don't have a mom or dad or even both. Maybe someone in the family has a drug or alcohol problem or worse sexually assaulted. It hurts my heart so much to see Innocent children be impolite, disrespectful and un-loving. It makes me wonder what kind of environment were they brought up into.
The show Ellen DeGeneres touches on the subject of bullying quite a bit.
I think it's great that TV, werbsites and social media are talking about this topic more and more and are making a effort on educating people on bullying and the life impact it makes.
Bullying doesn't go away. The people as well as the negative energy will always be around us. It's in the workplace, your sports team and yes even in the magic community. You know what I'm talking about. The magicians who always have to say something about someone. Whether it's going to all their youtube videos and disliking them or hanging in cliques and talking about how bad you are with slights. Judgment simply doesn't go away. People will even judge one another without even really knowing anything about them. All because of what? EGO! They want to raise them selves above others and be on top so they thrive on the negative energy to lift themselves.
The only way to really combat all these challenges that I have been talking about in this blog post is to find out your strengths, your DREAMS and INSPIRATIONS and latch on to them and just blow through all the obstacles and no matter how much you FAIL or how much people talk about you just keep on going. Think of it as runaway train.
That freight train is pissed, it's smoking and the only stop that freight train is going to stop at is SUCCESS DEPOT or maybe IMAGINATION DEPOT, ya IMAGINATION DEPOT where your DREAMS and INSPIRATION become REALITY.
I remember when I created my Butterfly in a BOX magic effect. I put my heart and soul into that effect and in return it has become a big part of my success. Suddenly my name got out there in the magic community. My effect has been sold around the world all because of my belief as well as the energy that I put into it.
Creating that effect has changed my life and like a butterfly who goes through stages in order to become a butterfly I went through a transformation as well. Suddenly my confidence and self esteem shot way up there. I was now a creator of magic. It wasn't even a path that I knew existed, but because I taped into a different energy source it allowed me to expand my creativeness and do something GREAT!
One thing I was deeply hurt by was that my very own magic club that I belong to didn't even really acknowledge my effect. No magic club news story, no facebook post from the club saying "Hey great job!" NOTHING! There was however one member that helped me out greatly, but that was about it. I think as humans we all need a little acknowledgement a little praise to keep us going. Now I would like to make it clear that I'm not seeking acknowledgment to toot my own horn. NOT AT ALL! But you see some magic clubs make a huge injustice when they don't share club members successes. You see had they told the club members about my effect it could of inspired other club members to invent/create something. It could of gotten the creative juices flowing and maybe even helped others tap into a undiscovered gift. We all work off of inspiration. A magic club should not just be about what the next hottest trick is or the next hottest lecture. It should be a club that lifts up and supports one another.
I guess if you're a young successful person running a club you don't realize that part. All you really focus on is the technical side. With age comes knowledge. Have you ever seen the movie Cars where Lightning Mcqueen is racing Doc and he looses because he was cocky and thought he new everything? I like that movie. It has such underlined and hidden messages.
Magic clubs shouldn't have selective support where it involves favoritism. It should be a club where the support is equal. Sometimes I wonder if the support they give has a secret agenda, maybe they only give support if it makes them look good. Not too long ago I even extended my creativity to a club member. I came up with a way to make a electronic device float. Still even after doing that, still no support. I helped out another magicians about a year ago.
He wanted to magically separate different kids of cereal that was all mixed up in a bowl. I came up with a method for him to make this happen. I didn't even ask for money. All I asked was that maybe he could post a comment somewhere on my blog so at least it would look like it's somewhat active. That didn't happen! He just took what he wanted and then left me in the dust.
I just keep on helping though because it is who I am. I like to help and share my gift. I think we should all try harder to do that don't you? A few months ago I won 3rd place at the magic club I've been talking about. For just a short time those bitter feelings went away, but then it was also a short amount of time that I snapped back to those feelings due to SELECTIVE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
I have come to the conclusion that not all clubs are like this. I'm sure there is many that have my philosophy on how a club should be supportive for everyone and not look at club members as competition or a threat.
In a way magic clubs are like church. In order to be comfortable you have to find the church that is right for you.

Many famous magicians came from my club, but they don't really talk about them. They are not giving the club the high ranking prestige that they should be getting, but I guess when it's a young person running it the focus is more on how successful they are. Too me a president of a club should kind of be like a president that was in your school. They are class president to support you team, your class, to set good examples and lead you the way to success.
It is here in our school lives that set our paths to success.
You have to decide what team you want to be part of. Do you want to be part of the bullies team or do you want to be on a team where everyone is equal.
In this world there are many Candy Bar Paul's/ Paul Byrnes.
I guess I could say that a big part of my success is from Paul Byrnes who started a fight over a stupid candy bar, and do you know what? If I ever saw Paul again in my life and he demanded me to give him a free candy bar I would say the same thing I did in high school
"No! No you can't have a candy bar!" in life things aren't free. You have to PAY!
You can't have things handed to you just because you think your intimidating, because what you're really doing is showing everyone how weak you really are, and you might also want to consider fighting your own battles instead of getting a burn out weak thug kid to do it for you. That was really week and cowered .! So friends you see how you can take something negative and turn it into a positive?
Don't let the bullies in your life take over your life. Take life and turn it inside out and leave the bullies in the dark, staying stupid and doing what they do best. Being WEAK!
My success! all over a candy bar. HOW SWEET IS THAT?
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