Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Standing in a garbage can- Let's raise kids to be entrepreneurs not GARBAGE!

When I was in third grade my teacher Mrs. Schumacher caught me either laughing or talking to another classmate. As a result she made me stand in a garbage can in front of the whole class. It was very hurtful and humiliating. Ever since that day I've always had a bitter feeling and attitude between schools, teachers and my student peers. Other kids at times got punished as well, The teachers would put dunce hats on them and make them sit in the corner.

I'm thinking that this probably does more harm then good. It's simply humiliating the kids and introducing a life of troubles such as insecurity, trust, confidence and so on. When I look back I ask myself? why didn't I step up and say anything? I guess when you're a kid you are taught to obey and listen. The adults are supposed to set a good example to kids.

It's these things that have made me who I am. The eagerness to try my best and succeed. Sometimes I feel that growing up in that environment caused me to sometimes make quick and abrupt judgement on people or friends that may have really not meant harm. Sometimes I look back and think? what am I doing?

 As kids we are always taught what not to do. Maybe instead they should start focusing on garbage cans because that's where the successful entrepreneurs are. While the others are bullying we are picking up their garbage that we are getting blamed for. What kind of crumbled up paper have you had in the past. Did you crumble up the paper and make the basket? Did you make airplanes? did you shoot spitballs? Did you walk politely to the garbage and throw it out? How do you handle your garbage? Have you ever stood in it?

One part of me feels strong while the other is that little boy standing in the garbage can crying out "YOU ARE NOT GARBAGE!"

Mark Presley

at·ten·tion def·i·cit dis·or·der

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