I don't Care ANYMORE!
Those are some strong words, but have you ever listened to the words? Many times we listen to music not even knowing what we are listening to. I notice that with a lot of music. I'l be at the roller rink with my son and "California Girls" will come on and mom's as well as there cute little daughters will be skating along, bopping and singing to "Sex, on the beach,
We don't mind sand in our stilettos!" In a way it makes me want to gag. The truth is I really kind of like that song, but at the same time I was thinking. "Don't artists think about all these factors and think about what they say and do could be a very strong role model and message to how our future kids look at life, have self esteem about them selves and overall make a positive impact on society?"
When we have TV shows like "Desperate Housewives or Teen Moms" are we becoming a "Anything Goes World as long as it involves un-positve, non- role model type thinking? I think we as performers, magicians that we take the responsibility to make sure our shows are a nice clean, family filled wholesome shows right? Could you imagine walking out on stage at a family show and doing a rice bowl effect using flour to the music of cocaine in the background? Pretty crazy thought right? Opps I did it again! I gave the "Idea Seekers another IDEA! DAM! I need to shut my mouth.

So what makes stars be able to put themselves on a pedestal and do whatever they want? Perhaps I or we are missing something. Maybe they have it right. The whole "FREEDOM of SPEECH" and "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" attitude. Maybe this is where I need to be at. Instead of worrying about what people are thinking of me as well as myself trying to put together why I get hundreds of visitors at this blog every month. I don't know if it's good, bad, crazy, eccentric or what have you. Maybe I really don't care what I'm doing, but I'm led to believe that I am. What if this whole thing is a David Copperfield illusion? All the people that he made vanish on stage end up here for debriefing and slowly bringing them back to reality. What a master of magic. I would love to jump in his head for a day. It must be a magical place. Honestly the most brilliant magician that ever walked the earth.
Could you imagine having that frame of thinking. To just think "I"m the World's Greatest Magician" but not just think it, IMAGINE it think and PLAY it. I wonder if DC had that "I Don't Care Anymore Attitude!"And I ask this as no respect to Mr. Copperfield. Did he get there by not carrying. What I mean by not carrying is not walking all over people just to get where you're at, but rather focus on where you want to go and don't listen to other peoples judgment that are trying to steer you away and make you feel little, but in reality they are little. They are the ones who are scared.
Maybe to make it in the world and succeed we all have to have that "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!" ATTITUDE!
Maybe in order to make a huge impact on our LIFE, our WORLD. We have to get a little crazy.
Are you CRAZY? Maybe you are and don't know it. Maybe that's why your here right now because out of this world that seems like a impossible puzzle to figure out, maybe I make just a little sense to your mind. Are you going for the red pill or the green pill?
Does "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!"coincide with ""CRAZY?"
I'll tell you one thing. I kind of like being crazy. It suits the Imaginator just fine. After all when your given a whole world of Imagination and on this planet is all kinds of hidden secrets and formulas that are left for us. Left for us to figure out. I was speaking to my son about this just the other day. We were going to the dollar store. To me that's the Imagination store. I was telling my son as I was driving and looking around at everything, such as signs, cars, light poles, buildings, streetlights, and I expressed to my son how incredible it is that everything that we see out the window was created by someone. All the nice things we have were literally created by raw material.
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We are constantly looking for the answers when they are plainly in front of us. Right DC? I only say that because even DC is still trying to find the answers or get it right. At least that's what I heard in one of his interviews. Which leads me to thinking that no matter how big or LARGER then LIFE you are. WE will always be looking for answers. I may have an answer, I may not. Maybe I'll keep my answer deep inside of me because. Am I crazy? or am I working on a amazing idea myself. I don't know. You're here in Imagination territory. What do you IMAGINE? What will you CREATE? the answers are right in front of you. Do you care anymore! time to get CRAZY!
Maybe by you visiting here you're not only helping me to BELIEVE, but your helping YOURSELF BELIEVE!
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