Now I've seen a lot of magic trailers in my life, but this one tops them all. In the last few months it seems as though Murphy's Magic has been working on some ticks up there sleeve. I have seen the transformation before my eyes as Murphy's is literally going through a metamorphosis and raising the bar a few notches all the way to quality magic to packaging to Hollywood type magic trailers. Watching this video trailer above really pumped me up and motivated me to want to raise the bar myself.
Although I may not have the high end camera and editing gear. I do have the motivation, creativity, inspiration and drive to at least raise it a little.
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Patrick Wolford - Murphy's Magic |
Right now I have had great success with Murphy's Magic. I currently have three products out which are. Butterfly in a BOX, Magic Barricade Tape and my newest creation Turbo Tube.
It has been a great learning experience for me and the inventing business of magic is something I feel in love with. The thought of making magic effects for other magicians has been a DREAM come true. It was basically a dream I never even thought of. One of my other dreams that coincides with inventing is traveling around the world doing lectures and talking about my success as a magic creator. The challenging part is that I'm pretty much the new kid on the block, but I feel that you really can't put time on a person. You could have a magician that is a walking encyclopedia of magic, but doesn't do squat with magic and then you can have someone like me who may not be as knowledgeable, but can pack a pretty good punch with magic ideas and following through with them.
For some of you that may not know my background I would like to fill you in on why I'm so determined to succeed and bring the best magic I can create to the magic community.
I grew up in a family of six. I had two sisters, two brothers and my mom and I. My dad had left home and we were stuck with my mom who at the time didn't have a job due to her mental sickness. At times we were homeless with nowhere to go. Sometimes we would have to go into stores and steel food just to survive. Once in awhile we would get lucky and have a apartment to stay at for a short time before getting evicted.
It started to become too much for mom and she eventually sent the five of us in a taxi to my dads apartment. Things started to look up for us. We even eventually moved into a house. It was like the Brady Bunch. My brothers, sisters, dad and our new step-mom, altogether in one happy home . For the first time we were like a normal family, but it didn't last to long. My dad and stop-mom were alcoholics and eventually the alcohol destroyed my dad and stepmoms marriage and they got a divorce and then a few years later my dad passed away. I was only about 10 years old when he died.
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My dad- Robert Presley Hawkins -cement mason-Sears Tower |
During the divorce of my parents there also seemed to be a divorce with my brothers and sisters. Everybody just started slowly moving out of the house. It was eventually my one sister who at age 18 was taking care of me. I really don't remember being homeless when I was younger. I guess I was too young, but being the youngest had it difficulties. I always felt alone. Since my brothers and sisters had several years on me, having any kind of connection was difficult. We all kind of went our own ways and did our own things. I think in our own way we all had our individual ways with dealing with the traumatic life we had. I remember having two brothers and always wishing that I had a brother. It's kind of funny!
When you have something you sometimes don't appreciate it until it's gone. So many times I hear from other people how they wish they were closer to there brothers and sisters. Such a sad thought to think that people have to go through the loss of a loved one and wish that they could of done something together and now regret it.
I remember being alone a lot. I think that's where my gift of imagination and creativity started. I was desperate to replace the hurt and pain with fantasy. I always had the urge to do something big with my imagination, but what? To make matters worse and more challenging I was diagnosed with ADD. My school life sucked. I tried hard, but still struggled.
I had so many others challenges and life experiences I could write a book. On memory that is very clear to me to this day was when I was held hostage. First of all to make it very CLEAR this is a TRUE story. I realize that some of my followers that read my blog may have a difficult time understanding what's true and what's not. That's for you to figure out. I'm pretty positive that I have a intelligent following and you will be able to distinguish what's fiction and non-fiction.
Now back to the hostage story. And by the way if you don't believe this story you can contact be and I will show you the police report.
Several years ago, back around 1994 I was working at a restaurant cleaning. I was doing some odd and end jobs. I was investing in illusions for a show I was working on. As I was getting ready to leave the restaurant and was walking out the back door I was greeted by four masked robbers. All four of them had deadly weapons. That asked me to get on the floor face down. I thought :That's it! Tonight I'm going to die!" They put riot cuffs on me and cuffed me to the bar as they worked on the safe. Luckily for me that all those times I was left alone when I was a kid, that I visited the library a lot. One day I got a book on "Houdini's Escapes and Magic"
I learned one of the techniques which that night save my life. While the robbers were cracking the safe I escaped and called police. I made a detailed description of the four robbers and three weeks later they caught them. I felt like a HERO. Hmmmm! I sense the early stages of the "Imaginator" The robbers did some time in prison for several other restaurants they robbed.
Now your probably wondering "Why is he telling us all of this? I thought the title of this blog was "Murphy's Magic Goes HOLLYWOOD?" I'm getting to that!
You see I believe that everyone at an early age is designed and molded by everything, everyone, both positive, negative in our lives. Some people get a beautiful hand of cards and everything seems to always work for them while others have to try extra! extra hard and even through that extra hard it still may not work out right, but my belief on how to succeed is very simple. You just have to be persistent. Persistence will take you along way.
If something doesn't work out for you then try a different path, make a different friend, find people that support one another and not just a "ME! ME ME!" situation. So many people want success and demand it, but they don't want to share and reciprocate. I talk about this a lot in my blogs because I notice it a lot with my peers. I observe the supporters and non supporters. The ones that toot there horn and the ones that pull the string for you and help you toot.
For me my supporter was Murphy's Magic. They were my number one supporting and cheering team. When I first approached them with "Butterfly in a BOX" they welcomed me with open arms. I felt like family without even really knowing them. They taught me a lot about the inventing, marketing and producing business end of magic. I'm still learning. I may not of recieved much support from certain peers, but I replaced that grief, by helping other magicians who I helped get there product distributed through Murphy's Magic. Below is a list of the magicians I helped in just under 1 year.
I would like to end with telling you that in the magic world, the magic community has plenty of magic to share and as long as we are being kind, supportive, embracing, respectful and not stepping over one anothers toes there is plenty of fame and fortune to go around.
And who knows! Maybe one day you will be in Hollywood. Maybe you will have a pyramid of magic to share with the community.
Or maybe you'll be someone like me. Someone that is just trying to do the right thing, trying to figure it out and maybe on the way help a few people here and there. To me it's our attitude that makes us successful.
What will your Hollywood walk of fame say? Hopefully it will be a well respected and taken care of "Walk of Fame" and not a "Walk of Fame" that was stepped on, but rather one that told a story of how your attitude, respect, determination, imagination and creativity made you feel larger then LIFE! It felt like a HOLLYWOOD! STORY.
I highly recommend Myrphy's Magic for any magicians that may need some direction, guidance and support with magic products or ideas that they may have.
Below are all the magicians I helped get there products sold through Murphy's Magic
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