I have always had this crazy idea to crash a lavish party. I don't know why. It just seems like it would be fun, gutsy and that addictive adrenalin feeling. I have a lot of mansions by my house. One house in particular has extravagant parties almost every weekend. I always wanted to just show up and start performing some close up magic for the guests.
As some of you may no i have been working on a new magic effect called "Scorched" I wanted to try it on a different crowd other then the restaurant, Barnaby's that I've been doing magic at for 20 years now. Yes I'm proud of that! I wanted to try my "Scorched" effect on a different crown all together to see if I get as strong as a response as at the restaurant.
The problem was how do I play the part to get through the wrought iron gate and past the security at the front door who was checking in people. I decided to bring some magic ammo just in case.
One of my friends had a car dealer where he sold cars on consignment. He's the one that I actually bought the IM "Imagintor" car from. My technician, Dalton is still modifying and upgrading the car.
Right now it's in the glass room floor.
Meanwhile, my friend at the car dealer lent me out another car. It was a 1963 Bentley. It looks sweet. It should fit right into the party that I plan on crashing. I have been practicing my "Scorched" routine for quite awhile now and have perfected it. I added a new element to it that I think the magic community will like. It's simply a piece of magic ingenuity. I still can't believe it works so well.
My plan on how get into this party was to first simply keep an eye open for anything that looks like a party going on. Which is easy because all I have to do is look for tons of cars pulling into the driveway. A few weeks had past and no party. I had my ruffled tux shirt, shinny shoes and pin striped pants ready to go. Finally! It was a Friday night. I was just getting out from Barnaby's restaurant when I was driving home and saw a lot of activity at the nearby mansion. I immediately went into posh mode. I guess I figured that since I was already in my formal wear that I better take advantage of it while I could.
I went home to get the Bentley as well as some emergency magic back up.I picked up the Bentely and was now on my way to the gated mansion. While I was driving I was trying to figure out how I was going to through the security gate. When I arrived there was a line of cards waiting to be let in by the voice security. While the food truck in front of me went to go through the gate I decided to step on the gas and follow close behind him so the gate sensor would sense that it was just a long vehicle.
Whew! I made it through the security gate. Next was the check in where they had a podium with security right just outside the mansion checking people in on the guest list. I was trying to figure out how to get past this one. I went up to the podium and the security guard asked for my name. I told him that I'm Mark Presley, I'm part of the entertainment tonight. He looked through his book and said "I'm sorry but I don't see you on the list." Thinking quickly I grabbed my Thumb - - - - - -, and at the same time took the security guards guest book, and then? (for magicians you know what happened next) I made a point as I was reaching for the book to let the guard see that my hand was empty. As I was talking to him I said "It's right here" The guard said "I'm sorry Mr. Prersley. Enjoy the party" Good thing I reached in my pocket and selected the right color (Magicians! You know what) that was in my pocket. I had several inks loaded in different pockets that could possible match the ink on the guest list. Wow! it worked.
I got past the hard part. The rest is now a breeze. The entrance to the mansion was breathtaking. It had marble floors throughout and a spiral staircase like you would see int the old classic movies. The mansion had a few dinosaur skeletons in the foyer as well a world wide coffee collection. This place was huge. The mansion also had to the left, a bowling alley and to the right a indoor Go Kart track. Both of them were closed. There was one area that was roped off. It was a casino with slots and blackjack tables. One of the things that caught my attention during my walk through this mammoth mansion was that I saw huge glass displays hanging with all kinds of different Control, Alt, Delete buttons. There must of been hundreds of them. At one point I asked a guard what was up with the Control, Alt, Delete buttons and the guard told me that the owner of the mansion Mr. Franklin, was the one who invented the Control, Alt, Delete Buttons.

Wow! small world. I proceeded to follow the crowd into what seemed to be a luxurious banquet room. It was in this room where I thought would be a great place to walk around, mingle, do some close up magic and network, but the main purpose was to perform my magic effect I created called "Scorched" so I can see what kind of reactions I get.
I started out with some coin magic and then as the place got hooping and the DJ went into his club music I decided to go into my thimble routine.

I went back to the party room and started doing my magic again. I had a ball with the guests.
I thought I would finally try out "Scorched" to some guests that were being very energetic and responsive. I wish I had my video camera with me, because one of the laddies reaction was a magicians magic product trailers dream. I got such a awesome response. The element I added to "Scorched" worked like a charm. Suddenly the butler came up to me and told me that the toast was coming up.
I really had know idea what I was going to say, but I did remember in my carrying case that I brought another effect with me that will be going on the magic market soon called "A Touch of GLASS" It's very magical. I started my speech by calling the guests attention using a flash appearing cane. I walked up to the butler and took off his hat, I spun around, flipped the derby in the air and then it dropped to the floor. I said "Darn! I must of had to much to drink, I flipped the hat up with my foot, caught it, brushed it off and placed it gently back on the Butlers head. I took a bow and said "Welcome guests, friends, acquaintances, family.
Welcome all to a evening of enchantment" I reached over to the butler and took his tray. "I would like to thank Mr. Franklin for hosting such a magical party. On behalf of Mr. Franklin I would like to propose a toast. A toast to everyone out there, that no matter how difficult your life may be, no matter how mush hardships you may have or how many mistakes you have made in your life please let Mr. Franklin help remind you of one thing. You can always fix your mistakes and try to better yourself by simply pressing Control, Alt, Delete." after I said the little speech I suddenly made a glass of wine appear on the butlers serving tray. I finished the speech off by making a rose appear. I gave it to Mr. Franklin's Wife. We hugged goodbye. I shook Mr Franklins hand and he whispered "Next time you'll be on the guest list."
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