I I sit here at 10:30 at night eating a chili dog I'm asking myself. "What the hell am I going to write about tonight?" I decided to check my facebook status only to sometimes find it mundane. I mean what really is the point? we post pictures, video stories, take pictures of our food and broken body parts. In a weird way it's almost like a competition. A competition of ow much one can get shares, likes and comments. If I were to be entering this competition I would provably looses miserably. Especially when you see people getting 10, 15, 800,00 likes. It kind of makes you envy them and be like "Wow! that person must really have it together and is really liked by all.
Then another part of me thinks how much of that image that these people put on may be fake and not genuine at all. We are all here on this planet trying to figure out our place. For some their place may very well be facebook, because that's the place they feel most wanted. A place where it's most of the time intermingled between family, friends, acquaintances and nice girls who are so interested in you that they send pictures and tell you how lonely they are and "Oh me want you as friend, you send money me, okay me like yo." I often send a little repose back that sounds like this "Why would you want to waste so much energy into selling yourself when you can take that same amount of energy and do something good to yourself? I will now cast the spell of Cowmodotya on you and you will have seven years bad luck until you come clean and true to yourself and then the spell will be broken."
I know weird right? I think so as well, but because they are being a Ho then it's all open game, plus if they are into some freaky voodoo stuff they might actually freak out and come clean and true to themselves and then the Imaginator saves the day!
Why do I have this video up? Because I like it. Everything doesn't have to make sense.

The social media to me is like a mirror. It has a reflection of light that you want to shine towards all your friends, family, and acquaintances. It's a way of saying "Hey everyone! look at me! I'm great! my life is more wonderful then yours! don't you wish you were me?" It makes me want to do the Judd Nelson punch.
as I'm writing this my other half is fighting with me saying "Ya, but maybe people just want to show and tell people their accomplishments, and be inspiring, promote positiveness, gratitude and love.
It's those times I feel like throwing myself in the wall like "Liar Liar and kick my ass. Why the hell does my other half do that to me? i was on a role and then I have to remind myself that some of the same things I'm bitching about I do as well. Maybe just not as a dramatic step as others, but still I do as well. We all want to be able to have the pride of being a HERO or an inspiration to people.
Today when I was driving I saw a car that had one of those bumper stickers that said "I HAVE A HONROR ROLL STUDENT AT --------SCHOOL" I'm going to make my own sign for my son that reads.
I really hate those frigging honor roll bumper stickers. It comes across so "I'm in love with myself" It's right up there with woman walking by a window and checking herself out. Sometimes I walk by a window and do the same thing except, I'll stop by the window and start arguing with myself about how I look handsome, but my reflection is telling me to get a friggin life! you suck! I usually end up walking away in a little funk. I hate when mh refection talks to me that way. Oh shit! I had another thought! I was just thinking about the bumper sticker again. I thought "Wouldn't it be great if we could carry "Like" signs with us? Just like the ones on facebook, but in real life. Whenever we saw or heard something someone said we could run up and pin a like sign on them. Oh Shit! I messed up again. The idea seekers are probably thinking "That's a GENIUS IDEA!" the next thing you know you'll see a youtube video or better yet on TV for the super bowl and someone will make millions of dollars on my little blogpost here and I will be doing another Jim Carrey ass kicking of myself. That always seems to happen doesn't it? You think of an idea and then a week or a few months go by and you hear a radio, tv or article add about your idea. weird isn't it?
Before I was writing this blogpost, I was trying to figure out what to write about. The initial idea write up was supposed to be about how "Creative People are LONELY" but it somehow ended up on a social network, bumper sticker rant. Can the Imaginator take all of this and do a spin-doctor and make this all make sense and save the day? I don't know, but I'll try my best.
So what is your place in this world? what is creativity and who judges who is creative and who is not? Do you think your not good or creative just because you didn't get invited or asked to perform at that big magic convention, castle or underground? we all probably feel that way, but it's impossible to have every magician in the world perform at every venue the DREAM of performing at. I want to perform at the Wonderground and so does almost every other magician. So what we have to do as creative people is to make up our own place, our own venue and our own DREAMS. That is why I'm here. This blog is my place I created and no matter who hates and dislikes it is okay for me because this is my domain. You have to make yours.

So I think that the reason creative people are lonely is because there is a darkness of ego from others. They are felling the same way, but it is hidden. Hidden in the likes, comments, shares, window reflections and bumper stickers of our lives. Yes being creative is lonely and is sometimes hidden by our own PRIDE!
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