Today I took one of those brain tests. Have you ever taken one of those just for fun so you can see if you are a left or right sided person? In case you didn't know our brain is divided into two parts. The left side is logic and the right side is creativity. I took the online test and past with flying colors. Yes! I'm a righty! is that a word? anyway my brain works on creativity. I guess that's why I'm a entertainer as well as a inventor, but shortly after taking the test I was pondering the though a little and I thought that they might want to consider modernizing the test. The reason I say this is that question 6 asks you to put your hand on your head. I think this is where the test results could be off a little because if your dominant hand is the same hand that controls your mouse then most likely you will use your opposite non dominant hand to touch your head.
So now I'm thinking that my hole life is confusing. I very well could be a lefty. After all I'm putting logic into what I'm talking about right now. I think that my strong part of my personality is creativity, but with that being said how can I be a inventor of magic or be a magician if I lack logic? God forbid me for thinking that magic can't just happen because it magic. Us magicians have to have a reason for everything right?
This is where my creativity and magic battle against one another. Close your eyes for a second! are they closed? good! Wait! I'm sorry open them or else you can't read the rest I want to say. Imagine you're a kid, your walking down the side walk and you see a bus levitate up in the air and then it vanishes. What would your reaction be? I'm almost sure that your mouth would drop, you would point at the bus and say "What the *&^%$!" I'm also quite positive that before you show any emotion, thoughts or speak that you wouldn't say "Now let me see, based on the laws of physics that bus should not be levitating and then vanish because impossible things are not supposed to happen because they um...they just aren't.
So face it! it would be friggin cool wouldn't it. I think that if I was a wizard roaming around on earth it would be pretty darn boring getting anything and everything you want in life because of your magic powers. I would get bored as hell. I think I would start just doing crazy stuff. Stuff like making a bus levitate and vanish. Innocent stuff that would be fun. Or how about going to see the great DC and after the show is over the people are exiting the theatre only to discover that they are in the middle of an ocean and that the theater somehow ended up on a ship. Now that would be cool and funny. I think as artists we are too hung up on logic and maybe we need to just have fun with magic.
Let me take you back into time. May I? Let me take you to your childhood. Where you just received you first magic set or magic effect. Most likely it was the cups and balls, vase, sponge rabbits, color vision, rings. I don't think anyone of them have logic if I can remember. Most of the times I saw those effects it was just magic. I didn't have to think. There was no long logic story. Magic just happened and I enjoyed it. So why is it okay for us as kids to be okay with not having logic, but as we get older we need logic? That's because we have been disenchanted. The rules have changed. We no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause or the Boogie Man. Our DREAMS are gone. They are destroyed and now we are bitter magicians that have to be winy logic seekers. Everything, move execution, slight has to have logic. Want to learn something about logic? watch this video below.
What about DC flying. Why the hell is he flying? he's really not going anywhere. I'm sure he could get into that glass box by simply walking over there. Oh my gosh! he's now going through spinning hoops. Why is he doing that? and don't give me because he's David C and he can. No! the answer should be, because he wanted to. Granted the spinning hoops have a hint of logic. They display prof that he can fly and that there are no stings. He just dreamed of flying and so he flew. So many magician seem to be alright with logic not making sense when it's a famous magician. Which to me is a bunch of bull. You don't need to have logic for magic to happen. JUST LET IT HAPPEN!
I was recently getting ready to release a magic effect but I had to put it to a halt because the distributor thought it lacked logic. Although I get great help and wisdom offered from my magic friends as well as distributors, I sometimes find that logic shouldn't always have to be the main ingredient of a effect.
How many effects have you purchased in the years that lacked logic, but you purchased it, just because it was cool? Now keep in mind that this effect has been tested numerous times at the restaurant I work at. The effect has had some great sincere reactions.
Tonight, after being told that the effect lacked logic. I decided to do a experiment. I would perform the same effect and same way I have been without logic and when I'm done I would ask them "Did that make sense? do you understand the logic? can you tell me why it happened and how?" I didn't get any answers. They just said "It's Magic!" I guess I thought by asking them that maybe they could tell me some logic about my effect that I didn't know, but it simply didn't work out that way. All the tables I went to said the same thing. "Magic"
Now to get go off the beaten path a little, but at the same time stick on the topic. I was going for a walk today and I saw a young kid wearing his pants down to his knees. How do they keep those pants from falling anyway? "It must be MAGIC!" continuing on..... as I was walking I was perplexed as to how his pants weren't falling I thought about the Chinese sticks.
Remember those? That was one of my favorite effects. I don't know why this thought came to me, but suddenly I had an idea. I scrambled for my note pad of ideas and started scribbling away my magic invention. My idea was to revamp the Chinese Sticks and instead of having two sticks you would have one. When you're ready to perform you would walk out on stage wearing pants that go down to your knees.
You then pull the string down on your Chinese Stick and when you do your pants go up. You then pull your pants back down and then the string goes up. The audience then insists that you have a string hooked up to your pants and Chinese Stick so you then pull out scissors. You cut the invisible string and now when you pull down the string. Nothing happens. You then retie the invisible string and when you pull the string down again your underwear shoots out and is connected to the Chinese Stick. LOL Imagine one day someone here will take this idea and you'll see it in a show or TV. Hey! more power to you. I have many more. Have at it.
I think that it would be interesting to do a show that lacked logic, things would just happen because you're magic. You want to hear my logic? my logic is that if you really new magic you wouldn't be wasting your time making a ball float in the air. You would be doing some serious stuff. I would like to sum this up by saying that I'm not totally against logic, but I think we try to emphasize too much on logic. Even after reading this I'm sure many will still disagree. Maybe the only way to experience the true magic you felt when you were a boy or girl is to bring yourself back and try to use logic as to why you felt that way. I'm quite sure that when you first felt the power of magic that it was probably a fast magic effect, it wasn't a story or something that required a long explanation of logic. Maybe it was a simple effect such as pulling a quarter out of your ear, but wait! how can we make that pulling the quarter out make sense? sometimes magic losses it's magic when we try to hard to incorporate logic. If you're going to use logic it better be worth it and make sense, Otherwise it's like Stonehenge. It was left with no logic explanation, but it s MAGICAL doesn't it?
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