Why do I write for you? Good question. I have been trying to figure that out myself. I think the most important question that I would like to ask is why do you visit? I'm currently only a few thousand form hitting my first ten thousand visitors in just a few years. All these visitors and I still have no clue of who you are. I'm sure you know me more then I know you. At times I feel guilty that I should be practicing my magic or working on my next invention. This blog believe it or not is somewhat of my lifeline. It's my outlet, my escape into my imagination.
Do you ever need a escape? I think we all do. Hopefully it's a positive one. I had no idea how much inventing magic can be stressful. At first it was fun and seemed glamorous, but as you get deeper into the business it eventually becomes a job, another effect that I have to research, or find the best execution or move that will compliment the effect. I have to work out every detail, angle, description, technique, magicians to credit and so forth. By doing this it saves you, the buyer of my product time because I have already done the dirty work for you as far as finding the best possible moves, slights for the effect that is most piratical. In essence my inventing has given me the opportunity and motivation to be the best I can both performance wise and explanation wise. Despite all the hard work and having to bother the heck out of Patrick W. I feel at times I ask myself "What the hell am I doing?" I never planned on going this path. It all happened by accident.

I don't know what to make of it. I try to make sense and not jump to thinking we have ghosts or spirits. I tend to lean more with the energy we put into our lives and how we live with our hearts. Your home kind of becomes you. Have you ever noticed that when you see a house or building that has been abandoned it will quickly looks lonely and starts to fall apart quicker then if someone lived there and they were equally not taking care of the home? I believe our home becomes part of us. I also believe that our imagination plays an important role on our lives.

I'm sorry I went off the topic a little. I was asking you "Why do I write for you?" Well like I said my plan was not to be a magic inventor or even start a blog, but I have somehow been guided this way. Maybe it was that light guiding me and now for some reason I'm finally seeing it. I would only hope that at least one article that you may have read was inspiring or thought provoking. I have no idea if the magic community has been visiting here or if it's just random hits. Do visitors find this blog interesting, inspiring, off the wall, bad horrible, WTF! cool, different. I don't know idea! I just know that my number of visitors keep increasing, yet I know nothing about you or why you visit.
I guess some would say "Just be happy that you're getting visitors" but it would be nice to know a little about you. Otherwise it feels like you're sneaking in my domain and then leaving. "Aint nobody got time for dat"

I do know one thing! I am beginning know who I am. I am the IMAGINATOR! inventor of ideas and magic and I'm glad to be able to see the light.
1 comment:
I am one of those who visit your blog and reads them....
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