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Sunday, February 3, 2013


Who is your inspiration? One of my inspirations in magic was Doug Henning. I remember the day clearly. I came home form school and my sister/mom took me out for dinner. She told me she had a surprise. I don't know why, but the first thing that came to my mind was Doug Henning.

Sure enough while we were eating she told me that she had purchased some Doug Henning tickets. I really appreciated her doing that. I don't know how she even was able to afford them. After all she was taking care of me at the age of 18 years old. Shortly after my dad passed and the family split up. I guess she figured we could all use some magic and miracles. I was so excited the day of the show. My sister, future husband and I were ecstatic when we saw Doung Henning on stage.
I was thinking "Wow! he was on TV" The one thing that stuck into my mind was his "Water levitation" what a great effect.

The Spark: 
I have seen magicians before at carnivals, fairs and theme parks, but this was the first professional magic show I've seen. Seeing Doug perform defiantly reinforced me that this is what I want to do.
I felt like I got a spark of inspiration and I wanted to create that happy feeling and inspiring feeling to other people as well. I was going through a very difficult time. I was only about twelve or thirteen years old. It has already been a couple of years that my dad had passed away. Even though my mother was alive it was difficult to relate to her due to her manic depressive and delusional state. It was almost as if both were gone. I love her dearly, but the feeling of connection has  always been empty. If only I could understand people with that horrible "clinical Depression" it must be horrible.

Despite the challenges and hardships I somehow managed to pull through and survive the emptiness, odd weird feeling.  Those of you that grew up  with a  family and have always got what you wanted and always felt safe and secure would have a hard time understanding. You won't ever understand.

It's not like the Brady Bunch!

They just look at you like a freak or alien and and think to themselves how much better they are then you. I on the other hand filtered all the pain and loneliness into my magic. I would have friends come over to play, but most of the time pass the offer up. I enjoyed it much more hiding in my bedroom, listening to music and practicing my magic. I felt at peace, in my own element, I DREAMED BIG. I dreamed that one day I would do GREAT things, set good examples and INSPIRE many people to do the same.. I guess in the early years I knew that I wanted to inspire people to use their IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY.

The Garbage can:
One day at school some bullies were acting up and through some paper at the teacher. When the teacher turned around she said "WHO THREW THAT!" and the bullies of course pointed to me. The teacher immediately told me to get into the garbage can. I had to stand there for  20 minutes in front of the whole class. Back in those times the teacher could get away with that.

That is what teachers did. "Old school punishment" that's what it was. The teacher even told the kids to start throwing rolled up balls of paper in the garbage. Waded up paper was flying at me in every direction.

I felt so embarrassed and small. I thought to myself "I'm not going to let these bullies get the best of me. I immediately went into my magic brain library to think of any books I read where I could turn this situation into magic. I remembered a sponge ball routine that I learned and I decided to replace the sponge balls with the wadded up paper. I decided to turn on the teachers radio that was only a few feet away from me on her desk. The song "Do you think I'm sexy" was playing.

As the music was playing I was getting my magic on. I caught the next wadded paper and made it vanish. I would then make it appear by reaching down into the can, but stealing a extra. I reveled the paper and then put it in my pocked and it would penetrate through my pocket into my hand. The one ahead principal was working like a charm. The classmates were in awww.... and laughing at the same time. In a good way. When the teacher turned around to see what was happening she saw me dancing oddly to the music and doing magic. The bullies were pissed and they said 'We can't even get him in trouble. The teacher said "What" she turned off the radio, told me to get out of the garbage can and sent the two bullies to the principals office. It was a victory for me. I even got a nice smile from the most popular girl in the school who never would even look at me let alone give me the time of day.

Yes more reinforcement of the wonderful world of magic. it was short lived though. Only about a week later the challenges would start back up. It only wanted to make me want it more. I just couldn't wait to get out of school.

Your Inspiration:
Thank God I had the heroes in magic help me through the day, months and years. If your a professional magician and you don't see that. THINK AGAIN. There are probably so many people out there that you have inspired and helped change their lives.

 Sometimes I think the big names in magic, the professionals, even some of the local hard working magicians don't realize the impact they are making. The attention and demand for them sometimes get's to their head and they forget who they are and what their purpose is. Sometimes they make it so big that they feel that they are the "Do and say" of magic.

In my process of inventing "Butterfly in a Box" I started going through a transformation myself. I started to appreciate the "Inventors of magic" a whole lot more. The process of inventing magic effects can be very lengthy, stressful, but at the same time rewarding. The thought of creating a magic effect that other magicians would be performing was nothing but a honor. I wanted more of that feeling and I started focusing more on creating and inventing magic effects. I also wanted to use my experiences, mistakes and triumphs to inspire other magicians as well. I wanted to create a blog that was POSITIVE, INSPIRATIONAL ANS SUPPORTIVE.  Just a few hours away from this blog post a old high school friend contacted me. He said that he was inspired that I had put out my own magic effect and that he had a invention that he would like to put out and wanted to talk to me.

I felt so flattered and I thought. "I'm doing it" hey! I may not be in Vegas, but that's okay. I helping people out one at a time. Our gifts, ideas and thoughts are so important.We should not waste them. We need to keep the ideas and inventions flowing. The earth has left us many great things. We have only touched on a very small amount of what the earth has left us. Our lack of thinking "I CAN'T DO IT" is holding us back from discovering and doing great things. You don't need to be a great magician to invent. You don't have to brag on facebook about how you did 500 shows in two weeks. Inspiration comes from the heart not by demanding from people to tell you how great you are. WE ARE ALL GREAT, SUPER HERO GREAT!

The people that INSPIRE YOU will be the INSPIRATION you need to INSPIRE others. If you have been inspired by someone. Please leave a comment below.

As always I wish you all the best, Thanks for your valuable time and support with visiting my blog.
The world needs more HEROS! now go  and INSPIRE the WORLD! INVENT! and do GREAT THINGS!

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