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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm implementing a "Ethical Magic Researcher" for my products

 I'm working on a new effect called "Turbo Tube"
 this will be a nice magic effect for the magic community because you'll be able to use if for your up coming Christmas or holiday shows. In fact it will be versatile for virtually any holiday,celebration or themed show. With this effect the imagination is up to you. This will be released October 31st 2013. I have lots of work to do here as far is getting the effect on the market. Everything form the instructions, dvd tutorial, magic trailer, manufacturing, packaging and marketing. It's all done here by me and of course my wonderful wife. It all done here at Imaginator Magic

In the process of researching  my effect just to make sure I'm not stepping on Anyone's toes due to similarities. I decided to come up with my own title that I seemed would fit the title of one who researches previous or original magic invented effects. These days I think it's so important to do your homework and research before you put a magic product out on the market. Since as a community we are all out here in the cold. This is what I will be displaying in the credits of my video tutorial so that people will see the people involved in research and what the research is all about in order to further educate magicians on a little history of a effect.

To me the research is one of the most important things. So here is my definition of a "Ethical Magic Researcher" that I will claim here in this post as my idea and will implement it into my future video tutorials at the end of credits. 

Definition of:
Ethical Magic Researcher:

An "Ethical Magic Researcher" is one who does research on a magic effect. With extensive internet research, he will determine if there are other effects similar to the effect that you are creating. For either your own performance or to sell in the magic community, the EMR will do the leg work and provide you with the peace of mind to go forward with your effect.

The job of the EMR may involve locating the original creator(s) or, if deceased, locating the next of kin to get the necessary permission rights to either perform or sell the effect.

If the effect was previously performed or sold, the EMR may also provide important data such as the name and copyright date of the original effect. The researcher may also provide a list of names of persons who may have assisted, constructed, manufactured, or in anyway, contributed to the creation of the effect. The extensive background research is done to show respect to the inventor(s) of the magic effect and those involved in the magic community.
If you decide to use  this "Ethical Magic Researcher"Please feel free to use this, but credit my name "Mark Presley"


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