For the past six months I have been working on a new sponge ball routine for my show. I just love doing magic with sponge balls and after finally getting down the routine. It was time to add it to my show. It was a Saturday night and I was to perform at No Shame Theater in Chicago.
It's one of my favorite places to perform. I'm guessing that there was about 400 people or so in the audience and on my way to the underground theater I was surprised to find a photographer following me and snapping pictures. It turns out that he was doing an article on me for the "Chicago Star" in the "Up Coming Star" article spread. I was unaware of this. Not even my agent that booked me the gig knew about it, but after asking for an ID, company name and other information. I was able to verify his position.

Don't JUDGE ME! OKAY! it's just a phone. That reminds me. Not too long ago I was at a party and a gentlemen at the table I was sitting at pulled out a flip phone to call his wife. I heard a yelp from a few feet away behind the man. It was a young woman that was laughing her ass off to the man with the flip phone. She said "Ha!Ha! Ha! a flip phone! Ha! He's got a flip phone!"
She said it in that irritating, condescending, adolescent, junior high voice that could rip the hair off a camel.
My stomach started to turn and as it was boiling over. I ran to the mans defense and I said. "You're going to judge someone by the phone they have? How weak is that?" As I was saying this. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my phone and flipped it up. We both reached toward each other and bummed fists. Everyone at the table just laughed at the lady. I just love those moments when people think they are so up on their personality and game and you give them a reality check on their behavior.
Oh! I seemed to go off the story here. Let me get back to my show I was talking about.
So the small theater was jammed packed and I was ready to do my new sponge ball routine when something happened that left me in a panic. I went to make a jester and blow on the sponge ball before making it disappear and I started coughing. Thinking fast. I decided to turn my six months of my sponge ball routine into a comedy. It was the only thing I could do to work with my continuous coughing and this is what I came up with. And I have it all on tape.
I got a great response from the audience and I'm now throwing the six month routine out the window and I'm performing the new comedy routine. It's funny how things work out. Isn't it? Enjoy the video and please subscribe to my youtube channel. It really does help me when you subscribe. My youtube channel is "THE MAGIC OF MARK PRESLEY"
Thanks again for your support.
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