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Sunday, January 20, 2013


Connecting the DOTS.....
Do you know who you really are?

Who is the IMAGINATOR?
Well, I guess I’m still trying to figure that out myself. Over the past few weeks I decided to take a break from the social network sites so that I could focus on some things. Focus on me. Who am I and my purpose. For some reason the cards, the coins etc just isn’t doing it for me. I feel like I want to do something much more bigger. I just can’t quite place it.

During my little social break started connecting the dots. What you are about to read is 100% true and accurate. It wasn’t until I started to think back on my life that I stated to figure out who the IMAGINATOR is. After reflecting back on my life I have no doubt that all the hardships and challenges was merrily a test. I was slowly being groomed to who I am today. I realized that the IMAGINATOR could possibly be a real life supper-hero. NO! I’m not loosing it. I’m perfectly okay. I don’t mean a superhero that can fly or shoot lasers from his eyes, but a hero that MOTIVATES, COMPLIMENTS, GUIDES, pushes CREATIVITY, CHALLENGES and INSPIRES to use IMAGINATION.

I’m stating to realize that maybe my destiny is to INVENT and INSPIRE rather then perform.
I have a lot of work to do.

In my life I’ve overcome some huge fears, obstacles and challenges. My story in know way is looking for sympathy or pity. I’m sharing with you my story in hopes that you will look at your life and move forward with any obstacles, hardships and challenges that may be stopping you. There are many people that have had it even worse then I.
We all have a story. Connect the dots to your story and INSPIRE.

At the age of one I was homeless living on the streets of Chicago with my mom, two brothers and sisters. We moved from vacant apartments to vacant apartments. Sometimes living in churches. We had to steal food just to eat.  

Here is a video made by my sister. You will get a better understanding.

God at Work - Debbie Patricelli from Harvest Bible Chapel 1 on Vimeo.

Through all the traumatic trauma and not properly being taught simple skills such as math, spelling... I suffered ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder. My school life pretty much sucked, but I always looked forward to the talent shows.That's when I would come out of my shell and show classmates who I really am and what I can do.
Thank goodness I found magic. It was the only escape from the pain of being bullied because I didn’t learn as quick as some of the other kids. 

At the age of 9 my dad passed away from Cirrhosis of the Liver(Alcoholic)

My dad was my hero. He took me to my first magic shop when I was six. Magic Incorporated in Chicago.I was immediately hooked. He never got to see me do magic or perform, but I know he’s always watching.

Through my life I’ve had some terrifying challenges that I had to face.
 At the age of 10 I had to pull a 250lb unconscious man out of a kitchen where he had the gas turned full throttle. He was trying to take his life and I saved him. At he age of 30 I was held hostage by 4 gunmen at a restaurant I worked at. I was working in the early morning cleaning. It was my side job I was working so I could invest in the illusions I wanted. 

I went to open a door to clean the glass. That’s where it all started. 4 masked men busted thorough the door. They were yelling, holding weapons at me and demanding me to get on the floor. At that moment as my face was kissing the cold pavement on the floor a bright flash flashed before my eyes. I got a chill and I saw what was like a slow motion picture flash before my eyes. All my family and friends. All the people I loved. Then I saw a flash of myself when I was around three and growing up. All of this happened very fast but at the same time slow. If I could explain how it would feel being in two different dimensions at the same time that would be it. My initial thought was “Oh shit! I’m going to die.” They then told me to get up. They handcuffed me and left me alone while they went to crack open the safe. In fear for my life I escaped. As I was running from the building I was just held hostage at. I couldn’t help to thank Harry Houdini for saving my life.

You see at the age of 10.I was at a Library. I don’t know why I even went there, but I found myself walking towards a book.I grabbed it and checked it out.I never returned it.I'm afraid to return it because I would probably owe a arm and a leg.   

 Several years later in high school I opened the book up and began to read it. I was reading how when Harry Houdini used a technique for when he would get tied up. I didn’t think much of it. Little did I know that book would one day save my life.

After giving a detailed description to the police, the black Ninja clothes, military boots ski masks, accents. All the way to the type of cigaret they smoked   They caught the 4 men 3 weeks latter. It was like I downloaded a permanent detailed video of each robber. (TRUE STORY)

After taking a social network break I am starting to realize that through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am here to offer spiritual encouragement.I want to inspire others to use your gift that you have to inspire others. 

That's where THE MAGIC LIES 
I you are a non-believer that’s okay. I respect that.

If  you were lead here for some reason. Maybe your a successful magician, but are lost or trying to find your way. I would lime to encourage you to connect the dots.


Do you have challenges which prevent you from connecting the dots in your life?  One woman told me she didn’t know what to do with her life so she had decided to shop every day to fill her time.  Another told me that she because she had SO many passions she just couldn’t decide.  My excuse was to be incredibly busy which deceived me into feeling important when all I actually felt was overwhelmed and empty.
I hope that you’ll overcome the challenge preventing you from connecting your dots….. because you’re wasting your time, energy and talents when you could be blessing yourself and others.

If you’re ready to discover your WHY, start with these two steps:

1) Identify at least 3 times when you were at your best and describe what you were doing (teaching, diagramming, creating, mentoring, demonstrating, persuading, debating, guiding, etc) and how you were BEING (patient, enthusiastic, kind, informative, compassionate, logical, etc.) These are vital clues that lead to your WHY. For example, one magician discovered he is here to compassionately mentor others magicians through his school so that they can be the best at what they do and inspire the world.

2) Identify three memorable events of your life in which you learned something significant about yourself.  Within these events you’ll often find your life lessons which become the message you want to share with others.
For example the challenges you just read about me in my story.
Take time to reflect upon your discoveries.  What did you find out about yourself?  Did you notice any patterns to your life experiences? Is there a recurring theme?
This is the beginning of putting your life puzzle together. 

I hope you take the time to find your WHY as you are hard-wired to live a life that matters. It has been placed within you to positively impact people – on a small or grand scale. When you begin to do your SIGNIFICANT work for which you’re uniquely purposed, you’ll experience great joy, energy and fulfillment and wake up eager to live your life.

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