Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Have you ever made
a mistake in your magic performance and found yourself wondering what to do or what you're gong to do next? Mistakes a part of life and no matter how hard you try mishaps happen. This morning I tried to squeeze in some little practice time with the little time I have before I go to work for the day. Thank God my job is a physical  because I'm then able to practice my lines/script through the day and get them memorized.

It's very difficult having a full time job and at the same time going for your Passion. Anyway I was practicing this morning and I suddenly found myself picking up the wrong magic effect and suddenly my music that was carefully timed and choreographed to my magic was off. I found myself scrambling and thinking "Thank God this isn't a live show!" I'm very grateful when these occurrences happen because they better prepare me for the time when it does happen in a live show. And it will! Even the best of the best make mistakes.
It helps us grow and be better.

At the same token why are we so quick to jump on others when we see them making a mistake. Sometimes it's easier when it's not us on the other side. Ridiculing is easy, but stepping up and being respectful of other humans is where you will find a health relationship with yourself and others.
Like they say "If your not making mistakes then you must not be working hard"

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