Blog Archive

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Re-Mind & Re-Focus

It has been several weeks now that I have somewhat isolated myself from the social networks so that I can study, discover, practice new material and try to grasp who exactly the ImaGinator is. A few times I feel like I have fallen into other peoples negativity.  I guess that's one of the things superhero's go through. We want justice, Things to go good. People to be kind and respectful. When I watch TV. I find it frustrating and disheartening  that I can't even watch a dam TV show with my son because every other second there is either swearing or suggestive material.  What kind of examples, education, morals is there for our future children?

 When I say "I guess that's one of the things superhero's go through."Isn't that what we all go through?  I think we are all heroes, but we get frustrated because we want change, it seems out of our hands, out of control.


So instead we create MAGIC. We create something that we can make happen and control.

In the magic world we have to balance things just like in the real world or else we may become jaded and unfocussed. For the last few weeks I have been of the social network I have thought and created more ideas then I could of imagined.

Sometimes we get so consumed, jealous, curiouser or admired by what other magicians are doing that we loose focus on ourselves. WHO YOU ARE!
It's easy to get sucked in. seeing the success or bragging about success can be both intimidating as well as get old real fast. If you feel yourself lost and not sure where to go or what to do. Maybe you need to pull yourself back. Be ALONE! GROW! DO SOMETHING  BESIDES MAGIC! Some of my best growing periods was when I was alone and focusing on myself. In order to be a success you have to be happy with who you are. YOU ARE A HERO. NOW GO RE-FOCUS!

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