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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Medical Magic

I find that many people don't know how to handle or even act around people that are disabled or may have some sort of mental or physical challenge in their life. Some visitors visiting my blog wonder why I would get so personal with the challenges and hardships in my life. Some may find it uncomfortable or wondering "Why" my question is "Why Not" I personally feel that it is a great way to connect and let people know that we are all human and we all have challenges. It's what you do with those challenges that matter. Many I see on the social network put on the fake smile and pretend that everything is great, they brag and hope that people will tell them how great they are. It's a self gratifying circle that we all get caught up in. In the magic world it can be somewhat of a stress. We are all competing for pretty much the same thing. Success, fame, trying to fit in.

But what if you just went in a totally opposite direction? A direction where none of those things matter. A direction where your only GOAL is YOU! YOUR TALENT! and your ABILITY to INSPIRE PEOPLE who need it. Magic is great. It's GREAT if you can do awesome manipulation with anything you touch, but who are we fooling? Are we trying to just impress ourselves or impress other magicians? All I'm saying is that if you feel like your not doing enough or that something is missing maybe what's missing is what the meaning of magic is.

1. Magnify
2. Attitude
3. Gratitude       
4. Inspire
5. Character
(I made that up)

I would like to share with you a story about a little girl. She's about 9 years old. I met her and her mom one night at Barnaby's, the restaurant that I have been performing close up magic at for the past 18 years. I remember going to the table they were at and I introduced myself as the magician at Barnaby's. I new right away that this little girl may have some sort of challenge. She would bury her head into her mothers armpit and look at me insecure and scared, but at the same time very interested in magic. I only stayed a few minutes and then left because of the uncomfortableness. The following week the mother and daughter visited me again and then the following week after that.

One Friday when they both came I struck up a conversation with the mother. It turns out we went to high school together. She started to tell me a little about her daughter. You see her daughter has a very unique medical condition. She can't talk. She told me that at a very young age she had some sort of problem in her throat which made it so she couldn't talk. The mother proceeded to tell me that since the first night she saw me perform my magic at the restaurant that she couldn't stop bothering her. She kept running up and copying my magic moves with over exaggerated excitement and laughter.

I was shocked to here about her condition and I was even more shocked to here the impact the magic made on her. For the next few years they would stop in to visit me. One night the mother came in and was ecstatic. The doctor that they routinely saw discovered something one day. He couldn't believe it. He called in more doctors and specialists. It turns out that way down in her throat she had a piece of thick skin that was blocking her throat which was why she couldn't talk.

A few months later they performed some surgery. They took out the access skin so that it will allow her throat to work properly.I started to see her life transform in front of me. She has grown so much. She smiles and is much more confident. She can now speak and every Friday she is there she repeats the same thing that she has done since the 3rd Barnaby's visit. Follow me around. That's right! whenever I was done performing at her table she would then get up and follow me at the next tables that I would be performing at.

I guess what I'm saying is that we should never take our MAGIC! our GIFT for GRANTED. We can all do a lot more and make even a bigger IMPACT then we can ever IMAGINE. So if you find YOURSELF confused or LOST as to what direction you want to go.
I would like to end with this inspirational uplifting video.

Maybe you need to just focus on what matters the most. M.A.G.I.C.

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