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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Undergorund Secret Society of Magicians

 Is it myth or does the "Underground Secret Society of Magicians" really exist? Some say the the UFO crash in 1947 was a hoax. At the same time there are people who swear they have seen something. You might ask yourself why would they hide such a thing. Well maybe perhaps it's so the government can stay in control so that they can continue to have power, control and MANUPULATE things. What if the "USSM" does exist and is bigger and a lot more powerful than we think? 

In the 1930's Jasper Maskelyne was a world famous magician and illusionist volunteered his services When war broke out, to the British Army and was sent to Egypt where the desert war had just begun. He used his skills to save the vital port of Alexandria from German bombers and to 'hide' the Suez Canal from them. He invented all sorts of camouflage methods to make trucks look like tanks and vice versa. On Malta he developed 'the world's first portable holes': fake bomb craters used to fool the Germans into thinking they had hit their targets. His war culminated in the brilliant deception plan that won the Battle of El Alamein: the creation of an entire dummy army in the middle of the desert.
In World War II there was a "Magic Uderground"  that was working in France and parts of Eastern Europe. The code name for them was "Abraxas," they were generically know as "the magic underground." 
After the war they got jobs and mainly kept magic as a hobby. Many worked on the side performing in pubs and vaudeville theaters. People/audiences that would see them perform would sometimes ask  "Where did you learn that?" it became commonplace to say, "The magic underground".  
There are few "Underground" magicians these days. That's because around 20 years ago neo-Nazi agents found the last of them and eliminated them before escaping to South America. 
That doesn't mean that they no longer exist today. It's now a different time. Different political views, religion and financial AGENDA!
So why a "USSM"  Today in this modern day world? What benefit and purpose would it have. Well maybe perhaps more than we want to know. In the magical arts look around. Does something seem off? That's all I can say. 
 Thorough history magicians always needed to come up with the next biggest thing to keep the magic alive. 
I thought of the next biggest 
Πράγμα και προσπάθησε να έλθει σε επαφή με ορισμένα μεγάλα ονόματα, αλλά δεν έχω λάβει απάντηση. Γι' αυτό και απλώς θα συνεχίσει να είναι κλειδωμένο στην φαντασία μου τον εγκέφαλο και αφήστε ένα μικρό κομμάτι της ιστορίας είναι δυνατόν ολίσθησης από το μαγικό τέχνες οι τέχνες που προσπαθούμε τόσο σκληρά να διατηρήσετε ζωντανό, αλλά την ίδια στιγμή ας μας "alter ego" και την ικανότητα να δώσει μερίδιο και δίνουν πίστωση να είναι αργά ζημιά και καταστροφή του ένα πράγμα που είναι στην πραγματικότητα στη ζωή μας. ΜΑΓΕΊΑ! Δεν είναι τα κουτιά, κέρματα, κάρτες ή σκηνικά που κάνει τη magic.
Babylon 9
abraxas [əˈbræksəs], abrasax [əˈbræsəks]

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