Sometimes it's the people that try to knock us down that do nothing but motivate us more to succeed and surpass their shallow ignorance of something they themselves are missing. Perhaps you know what I'm talking about.
Perhaps you were bullied at one time in your life. Maybe you were even the one bullying. Whatever it may be we both have a lot to learn from one another. It is the bullying experience that will make you decide if you're going to give up or kick some ass and surpass the ignorance in which the bully decided to judge you and tell you the type of person you are. If you listened you could become that person.
Most of the time they are weak and only thrive on bringing others down so they can be lifted up.

Your gift of IMAGINATION and CREATIVITY is in your mind, heart and soul. If someone tries to steal it. Reach out and take it back. It is yours. It is a your gift to share with the world to move and inspire others to do the same. To use their gift and pass it on. It's a chain reaction of inspiration. We are all in this world together. Why not INSPIRE together?
So don't give up on your GIFT just because someone says you're not GOOD.
You might be missing out on something GREAT. That something GREAT is YOU!
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