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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Do you think you will die before you go for your passion?

Being a artist has it's challenges. How many of you struggle with having great unique ideas, but find yourself trying to fit it or be accepted with your passion. Crossing the line and be different could be a social acceptance challenge. Fir me it's my "Imaginator" character. Some in the magic community may not get it, but to me it's more than magic. The character is actually more then magic. The Imaginator represents imagination and creativity .

One you put your mind past trying to be accepted and you just focus on who you are and your passion. Doors will open. It may not be doors that instantly open to large performances and wealth, but doors that are much more meaningful, doors of creativity. I think that passing up our dreams and passion stems back all the way to our childhood when our parents tell us "Don't do that! you're not going to make money. You should be a doctor or lawyer." this does nothing but plant the seed of failure and not going for what you want to do.

As the years go by you keep thinking "I should of," but you also here from other people that you shouldn't. Now let me me tell you something  from experience. Please listen! Those people are probably the same people that were taught and brainwashed of the same thing. They don't want you to go for your passion because they are not going foe theirs. People tend to be afraid of others succeeding because it remind themselves as being failures and not going for what they love. You must first put aside the money. Screw money! do it for your heart. That is worth more money then you may know.

You owe it to yourself and your HEART to go for what you BELIEVE. The only thing stopping you is the insecurities of other people and your inner-self that is afraid, but if you open up and let your passion in, it will take you on a journey.
Good luck on your journey,   


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