I now find myself scrambling around trying to find content just to keep up with the visitors. This week has been a extremely tough week as have been going on somewhat of a crash diet. It been difficult to stay away from those darn greasy burger. That's my week spot. I've been eating bananas like crazy. I never realized how good they are for you.
I also started exercising and I'm in great pain. I guess I'm using some of my mussels that I haven't used in years.
I'm also training for the "Chicago Magic Competition 2013" (At the Chicago History Museum) I

The contest was at Home (Home Of Music & Entertainment) I tell you this place was nice. It had a huge stage. At least 25 30 feet X 20 feet. This place had high tech sound system and lights. I remember when they called me on stage. I felt like a rock star. It was different then any contest I've ever been in because it felt like a contest. It wasn't in some fast food restaurant where the atmosphere and vibes aren't quite as pulsating. At Home bar, well known rock bands perform there.
I'm now finding myself working just as hard trying to exerciser and shave off a few pounds just as much as when I'm practicing magic. Sometimes in the middle of a practice I'll pull out my ninja fan and start doing my "Marshall Arts Fighting Fan" moves. It's quit a work out. For over 8 years I've been practicing a certain move with the fan that is incorporated with thimbles. I'm really nervous about this because one wrong move and my routine is screwed, but I hope the risk will be well worth it. I call it "The Thimble Warrior"
I can tell you one thing. Since the last few days of staying off the junk food I have noticed a very quick change in myself. I feel sharper and have more energy. It's almost as if someone hit me in the head and I can now see the light. It's amazing how much shit they put in our food. I almost feel as though the food industry and the ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is doing it on purpose just to keep us at bay.
Giving us just enough to live, survive and make them money. We are slaves of food and money and the news and radio are just a diversion. Magicians have been deceiving people for hundreds of years. The only difference is we just do it to give people DREAMS and HOPE! not to TEAR it DOWN!
Well! enough of that little rant. I was thinking when I was doing magic and exercising that it would be great to incorporate exercise into practicing magic. Now I'm not talking aerobics or anything like that, but simple body exercises to get our bodies more limber and in shape for performing.
Maybe in some way it could help us spiritually as well focusing .
Going back to the beginning of this blog post. I mentioned that I was struggling with trying to find and write content to keep the visitors coming. I found myself finding anything I could just to post something. Such as the last post"Are you a Advertising Magnet?" to tell you the truth this really isn't my style of a blog post. I think my style is more like what I talked about earlier in this post. Which is just speaking my mind. Sometimes winging it and also hoping that I don't make too much grammatical errors. I took a class not too long ago on social networking. When the teacher asked if we had any questions I quickly raised my hand and asked "If you're not the best with spelling or grammar does that hurt you or your business?"
I was very surprised of the teachers answer. She actually told the class that it not so much of a big deal these days. Now I'm not trying to find a excuse to not better myself with writing or grammar, but it does take the stress of little. I wonder though if having this acceptance of improper grammar is dumbing us up?
I don't know, but for me the struggle stems from the way I grew up. Sometimes homeless with my mom, brothers and sisters. While some others were getting a good education and already thinking of how successful they are going to be. My goal was to just survive. Survive enough to just make it in life. Spelling something correctly was the least thing on my mind, but There will always be the ones that didn't go through what did and will always be quick to point out your shortcomings or a misspelled word hear or their . Opps! I meant Here or There. Don't you think they should just simplify it? I mean whatever way you spell it whether right or wrong, people will know what you mean right? So why don't they just stream line the vocab okay? Make it less confusing so we can concentrate on physics or something more practical that will actually prepare us for the work world.
Here is just an idea of how growing up for me was. This was a video testimonial form my sister who is speaking about what it was like.
God at Work - Debbie Patricelli from Harvest Bible Chapel 1 on Vimeo.
Maybe that's why I'm getting a lot of hits here. As people are always trying to rip into one another. I'm just blogging away. They are usually the ones who only have the strength to complain and not try to do anything new. I guess for some it's easier to divert attention on others instead of yourself. If your one of them maybe you should ask yourself. Do I get hits? Now I didn't mean that to be cocky, but more of a thought of how one can complain about ones shortcomings yet some of the most successful people are from the ones that fall short. I think in essence we all have short comings. Don't you think? But it's how you apply those short Cummings that matter. Are you all in it to "WIN"

and not care about others? Are you one who when people give you a compliment you don't thank them because you are so GREAT that you think it's owed to you? So think about your hits. It doesn't have to be hits from a blog or website, but the hits from the people around you. Are they positive or negative hits? The only one to find out is you.
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