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Friday, October 24, 2014

6:30 My Last Texting and Driving

Lately I've been wanting to try to do something with my magic that is more meaningful rather then jut performing a magic effect. The last few weeks I've been performing at a theater in Chicago called "No Shame Theater"  basically it's a place to go and do a open mic. I have such a great response that it has rejuvenated my art. In fact I find myself pushing my self and challenging myself to go into undiscovered areas of myself that I really didn't know I had. I am now focusing more on the acting aspect then the magic. A few weeks ago when I was performing. I was doing a piece called "The Backyard Voodoo Doll" at the end of my performance I had the audience give out a SCREAM!

After that I thought to myself "Maybe I need to explore the type of magic I'm doing more"
So here is my next piece. It's about one of my pet peeves in life. "Texting and Driving" I talk about it every now and then on facebook and here on my blog. I even had one magician write to me because he was offended by my post, saying "I perfectley good at texting and driving" followed by a quick de-friend. I thought "Wow! I must really be making an impact" so I decided to see if I can somehow incorporate that topic into my magic.  I guess I could say that I'm getting a little tired of doing magic without some sort of storyline.

 I really like magicians who put in the time to write a script for their magic. I think mine is a little different though. Mine gets a little more uncomfortable and challenging people with actions that they may be doing, but think it's okay. Such as "Texting and Driving" I don't know at this point if I'll be getting much work with this genre of magic, but at this point I don't care. Too me I feel like I'm really doing something, reaching out and making people think.

I think people who text and drive are so self centered, selfish and only care about the moment. They are irresponsible drivers and have a total disregard to the safety of others. It's heartbreaking to think of all the lives that were taken on something so selfish.

So here is the piece I've written. Hopefully to be performed soon.

It was October, 6:30pm. Halloween to be exact. I was just leaving work, on my way home to pick up my son and take him trick or treating. That is the last I spoke to him. Or should I say texted him. The scene keeps playing OVER and OVER again. "Why! Why! why couldn't I just wait? I was only two blocks away from home, but.... I decided to text him. My last words." "My last words I'll be home soon, I'll be home soon, I'll be home soon" (Note: Suddenly you hear what sounds as a tape rewinding along with some soft airy music. As the tape rewinds the sound effect and airy music play I slowly move backwards toward the chair on the stage which represents a car. The tape sound effect represents going in time to the event that took place) I get in the car, the car door shuts, I start the car, switch the gears and as I start driving I reach over and start running the radio to a station. (Note: All of this is done perfectly timed to sound effects and music. The door slam, car start, radio....)

I find a station finally. The radio station was plating dirty bit.

I love that song. I'm driving and beating to the music in my car. Getting into the groove. I reach over to text my son. My last words "I'll be home soon, I'll be home soon, I'll be home soon" Suddenly as I'm texting I hear a car horn. I look up terrified, turn the wheel while my breaks a screeching.Life comes to a halt. I hear an airy heart beat that stops. I get out of the car in slow motion while looking at the front and back of my hands. I look over to the car I was in and see myself lifeless. I yell out a scream saying "No! no! not now. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. I didn't even see my son graduate 8th grade or grow old with my wife" I saw a flash before my eyes. (Note: a flash comes from my body) I then saw my soul leave my body. (Note: You see smoke slowly rise from my body)

I was stuck in between two different dimensions. I couldn't cross over. It was just too painful. The guilt I had. The disappointment I had in myself. Thinking "I really screwed this one up!"
And now every October for 31 days I'm sent down from above. I have an assignment. I have to travel the nation doing lectures on the importance of not texting and driving. When I'm doing the lectures people don't even know I'm dead.

For 31 days have have to re-live that 6:30. Many times when I'm driving on my way to lectures. I look over and see people texting and driving. I just shake my head thinking. "I used to be that person. Ya I saw those gross texting and driving youtube videos. But I still had the mentality like many others. Ya! That's them! it won't happen to me. I know what I'm doing. I'm smart. I have control. But I didn't and neither do you. if I could just find a way to erase the memories. If I could just find a way to erase the hands of time and get that horrific memory of 6:30 out of my mind. Maybe then I could be at piece, have closure and cross to the other side for good" (I looked at my watch)  

 It was almost 6:30. I said "I still have time. (Note: emotional music fades in) (I reached over to where I had a  picture frame of me with my family. I picked it up and and held the picture to my heart. The photo suddenly disappeared) I placed the photo back on the table and proceeded to take a piece of paper that had a clock drawn on it. It had the time 6:30. I drew this clock many times for my attempt to cross over, but never did successfully. I picked the paper drawing of a clock and held a lighter lighter behind the paper. Suddenly you saw a flame come up behind the paper and as I'm moving the lighter around the clock, just barely touching the paper. You see the hands of the clock vanish along with the number six. I look at the audience in a sad, but happy triumph.

I take my watch off. It says 6:25pm. "It's almost time" I show the time 6:25 to the audience. I slowly turn the watch to face me. I say to the audience "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Thank you! thank you for listening to my story. I'll see you on the other side. I have to go now. Good bye....good bye..good bye..."   I look at my watch  it and as 'm saying goodbye the handles have vanished. My hands are completely empty of any trickery. I walk backwards slowly off stage. (End of Sketch)

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