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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Join the ImaGinator live TONIGHT in "ImaGinator Unsuited - Underground-
LIVE TONIGHT at 12AM Central

After 20 years of  being out of the DJ business I decided to get out of the magic a little and go for my other love, MUSIC.  As I 'm going through some big changes in my magic journey.  I will be letting loose and tearing up the vinyl. I hope I will still have the mixing ability in me. When it comes to mixing I'm totally old school. For me it's all about the vinyl. Back in the middle 1990's I used to work for one of the best Dj's in Chicago, even world wide. His name? "Scott Smokin Silz" on of the original "Chicago Hot Mix Dj's" To me I was taught the art of mixing by one of the best.
It's all about using and exploring our other talents and combining them all to make our life experience even more meaningful and hopefully inspire others to use their talents.

I will be bringing you back in time with some old school house with a little blend of 1980's and 90's top forty music. Some of the music featured will be Black Box, New Order, Mickey Mix and Oliver, Julian Jumpin Perez and more......

I know for some they may be wondering why I have been going off the beaten bath of magic. Why I haven't been on the social networks like facebook and what not. Well that's because just like my "Butterfly in a Box" In order to go through transition we also have to go through change. That happens hand in hand.

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