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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is magic club support a thing of the past?

Last  weekend I was at the Abbott's Magic Get Together. This was my first time attending the function as well as my first time entering the Abbott's magic competition. I was really surprised when I entered Colon, Michigan to find a huge welcoming sign saying "WELCOME TO COLON MAGIC CAPITAL OF THE WORLD"
As I drove further I felt like I was transformed into another world. As I was driving further I saw street signs that said "Blackstone" and storefronts that had huge decks of cards in the window to show their support. The towns people of Colon seem to look forward to this event every year. It's as if the town is like the town on Little house on the prairie where everyone comes together to celebrate life.

 A utopia magic world where everyone is happy. Magicians walk down the street and greet you. They may even stop by and share with you a magic trick or two. Their is know arrogance, cockiness or everyone trying to one up one another or try to show how much better they are then everyone else. Come to think of it I think somewhere by the border of entering Colon they have a magical EGO Check in.

 You just get out of your car and stand in a old telephone booth where their is a contraption the lifts up over your head. You pick up the pay phone which activates the telephone booth and helmet. Smoke pours out as you open the door. You are now cleansed of all the bad things that give magicians a bad rap and attitude between one another. The only words that exists now is RESPECT! ATTITUDE and MAGIC!

Shortly after I arrived I set up camp right on the Colon High school lawn.
I stated to check out my magic gear that I was using in the magic competition to make some repairs due to some props getting slightly damaged while in transport. Good thing I brought my drill and hot clue gun. It was very hot the few days I was camping out. I think next time I'll stay at a cabin because practicing outside in 90 degree weather just doesn't cut it.

the second day there I woke up early to a scorching tent. I now was running on fumes. Only getting about 2 hours of sleep in the last few days because of the heat and thinking about the contest. I know it's supposed to be fun, but for most magicians competing the intention are to WIN! I decided to go for a little walk into town so I can get away from the tent furnace. It was early in the morning and not to many people were up and about.  I was hungry and decided to stop by Dawn & Phil's Cafe.

 It was crowded so I had to wait outside. While I was waiting some Amish people on a horse pulled over on the street and I thought this would be a great opportunity to do a magic trick for therm and burn some time.

 I happened to have my magic effect I created "Butterfly in a BOX" on me. I got their attention and said "LOOK! over their!" I pointed toward the flower pot and reached toward a flower and the my hands came up in a cupped position. I opened my hands and released a butterfly. The butterfly was flying around me. I caught it and placed it back into the flower pot. You should of saw the look on their face. The small Amish family was awed and insisted that I climb in their wagon so that I could show the rest of the family the miracle.

 The next thing I know I'm going for a bumpy gravel ride down the highway and arrived at a old house. They insisted I eat breakfast with them. That was the best dam breakfast I ever had! Everything was so fresh. After breakfast they took me outside and asked to perform my Butterfly miracle. If I knew my Butterfly in a BOX was going to create such reaction I would of been performing it more often outside restaurants. I could eat like a KING!

The days flew by and next thing you know it's Friday and competition time. I loaded all my gear into the backstage area. The magicians that were backstage were very nice and welcoming. I met a couple of new friends.  Dave Chandler, Cedrick Libut, Sean McClure and a nine year old boy Charlie who came with his wonderful supportive parents. Another young magician, Anthony Stockton was competing as well,  real bright kid and nice parents as well. I even lent a spare magic table to Charlie that I happened to have in my car because he didn't bring one.  Everyone was so friendly and helpful. I talked briefly to Cedrick and found out that the two gentlemen that were with him were his friends and mentors.

I remember thinking what a awesome feeling it must be to have members of your own club come and support you. A simple facebook post of Good Luck! or Break a Leg would of been suffice too me. It was very admiring to see such teamwork. The sound, lighting and tech crew was superb. They were a true team and whenever a challenge arose they were on it.

It was now time to get ready for the contest. I was second up. I felt pretty confident of my routine. The first act had just finished and I carefully carried my props over to my marked area. The mc announced my name, the curtains opened and I was now doing my thing. One thing that I was concerned  about was the lighting. I was blinded by the lighting. In my routine I toss some thimbles up in the air using a fan and I catch them on my finger. Tossing up altogether 4 thimbles, adding one each time to my right hand. It's something original I came up with and is very difficult to do. The thimbles I had no problem with. The problem lied in catching the fancy ninja fan using the flourish toss. The light was just so blinding.

So to speed things up I didn't win, but a learned a wealth of knowledge from  the judging notes. Everything to my clothes I'm wearing to the appearance of my props and execution of my slights. I'm already implementing a mock set up of bad bright lights in my studio so I can get my routine perfected to the uncomfortable feeling of not being able to see. I will defiantly enter next year provided I'm able to enter again.

One thing I really wish I would of had was the support and encouragement of my own magic club. I'm sure there are magic clubs that do support one another, but the challenge is finding the right one. Reflecting back to when I was younger I had some great mentors that helped me down the magic path such as Ralp Beck, Thurston's nephew. I was really taken back as to how the heck after 30 years of doing magic that I never attended Abbott's. The only conclusion that I could come up with was that no one ever really told me about Abbott's. I heard about other magicians talking about it, but I didn't realize the magnitude it was. If there is anyone here that teaches magic please take the time and educate your students on the Abbott's Magic Get Together. I think a lot of magicians take it for granted that everyone knows about this event. In reality many of us don't. I think it would be great to educate magicians of this great event. Maybe a few months before your club meeting have a discussion about Abbott's history and what it's all about.Show a photo slide show and videos, arrange a field trip for all the members to get together and share something in common.

As far as magic clubs supporting you I'm lost with this. Recently I got an email from a magic club I belonged to. They were informing me of a contest and was asking members to enter the contest to represent them. I guess the question I have is if you're representing your club shouldn't they be represent you as well? I'm starting to think that the only good thing about a magic club is going to learn new magic and hear lectures, but as far as encouragement and support? why should you expect to get that there?
especially when all the  members have the same goal. To advance up the Magic Food Chain! Isn't it all ABOUT ME!!!! Compound that with a president that has the credentials and somewhat fame, they are set so why should they help you? I have my career set so hey! good luck with yours.

My vision of a club would be one that extends their hand and offers help, support and encouragement. A club that if they find out that you are going to compete in a magic competition
 they say "Okay! lets get down and dirty. Why don't you bring over your props and show us your routine and we'll see how we can help you." A club that if there was more then one member competing you would split them up into groups and assign members to help them. A club where to even the people in the club competing help each other.
How about this idea?. Forming a magic club whose sole operation is to win contests and succeed and advance in the magical arts. a club that is know and is prestigious for winning.

I know that there has to be some clubs out there with the same kind of thinking I have but where?
This is where my thinking and philosophy come into play.
You have to be your own club in a sense. Have you ever seen the scene in Karate Kid where  Daniel son is signing up for the Karate computation and the people at the application table ask what Dojo he belongs to?  Mr. Miyagi had to step in a tell them that he was part of his Dojo even though it was one that really didn't exists.

 That about wraps it up on how I felt. I was pretty much my own Dojo. I really believe that when your in a any competition you need a support structure. Someone that will give you the support and encouragement that you need. Whether it's a friend, family member or acquaintance you need the motivation and interaction of someone that is behind you and will be a mentor and motivate you. It's not quite the same when you have to be you own support team by yourself.

I did however find my support team. It was all the wonderful magicians that I met in the last few days in a little town called Colon, Michigan where every few days out of the year a huge club forms. It's the worlds biggest club and all members there.equal. It isn't a popularity contest and everyone gives you encouragement and support. I'm glad I finally found my support system even if it is a few hundred miles away.
You can bet I'll be there next year with a whole new structure.


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